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Not sure if this is a bug or not
But i figured id post it just in case. The integrated TP module is awesome (albeit just ASKING for trouble lol, but awesome nonetheless.) However, today I was setting up a couple of waypoints (cause im a lazy bastard) in order to tp to and fro levemete --> leve customer and back for tradecraft leves.

Well, we all know by now how anal I am about organization and when I was done, i attempted to delete the waypoint I had created. I can click on the button incessantely however, it does nothing.

Ill walk you thru my M/O so if its user error it can be pointed out.

I click on Replace / Rename / Delete after which it comes up with my Waypoint. I then click on Delete waypoint. (lol i remembered it as being another step or two in my head >.<)

So after it not doing anything, i noticed the Refresh key and used it. That works as in, it refreshes.. but my Waypoint was still there. I thought perhaps I needed to zone so I did that as well, unfortunately no such luck.

So in short - The DELETE WAYPOINT button in the Dev-TP module isnt working.

That is all ^^
its broken atm all you need to do is edit the file with Notepad++ and remove the waypoints from the file or rename them there.

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