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isboxer is to multiboxing what mmominion is to botting. Best out there. Worth every dime.
yes sir it is
Thanks for all of your help, guys! I'm now up and running with four accounts. I'm having problems broadcasting left clicks to all of my accounts. I'd like to be able to log in with all characters at the same time. Any thoughts?
yes you need to go to your character set in the upper left hand side then on the lower right hand side "make game belive its in forground" needs to be checked
Ah, thanks again jackie1234, that worked like a charm
any time!
Do you have an issue with hitting / putting two slashes in chat when using isboxer and ffxiv?
Yup known is boxer issue
I never get this problem o-O
I also have some nice videos on other things you can make using isboxer like switching classes on all your characters from your leader mounting all characters or specific ones. just check out my channel from the video link and take a look.

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