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[WHM] Advanced Heal bot for anything!
Thrown For a Loop is Buff id 402.

also if you plan on doing Levi Extreme add this to all Aly Cure 1 and Cure II
Under the Target Buffs
Buff owner Any
Missing Buffs = 432
is that for the debuff that goes on anyone who casts magic on said player? That sets it to only cast if they dont have it? Excellent!! Thank you SO much once again <3
Thats the Buff id For Brinny Miror, the buff the tank has that gives you stacks if you heal him.. to counter act this, you can set up for the profile to use regen on that status effect plus stoneskin.
Ok, one more quesiton. I just started minion and your Skill profile used to say (Ally) or (You) next to the skills set for either or. I realize i can just check inside.. but im curiuos as to why the change. I didnt re download your profile afaik SO is this something that was done via the lateast minion update OR something wrong w/ my Minion?

It appears it now has numbers inside the parenthesis which im going to ASSUME is the skill ID?

btw, plans to release another profile update in the future once the changes stack up or is the final version whats up there now? :P

Got it under cure I and cure II for party. (bare with me, i am aware of the debuff but I havent done levi yet) Why would you not use it on the one's for self? Is it only the tanks who get the debuff?

Also how would one add regen in a manner that would work for this situation, but wouldnt impede others? Would it be ally/party hp < say 80 and then target has buffs 432? (i hope that makes sense, I know it can get messy trying to explain so kudos to you for doing such a thorough job.

Also - I noticed a second cureII (a third but its the second Party one, which comes just below CureIII) it only casts if the player has certan buffs. Is this the freecure buffs? Would I need to add 432 to this one as well I assume?)

Thanks Sig, i realy do appreciate it vm

Ughgh I keep annihilaitng you w/ inquiries. I'm sorry. Last one I PROMISE!!

The moogle EX debuff. I created the Esuna (i created a 2nd for the player) Is this wrong? I wasnt sure if the debuff fears/mc's upon a timer or instantly. Assuming it is instantly it would obviously be upon another player to esuna you therefore making it un necesssary and in the name of keeping the profile lean/clean/mean I obviously want to ditch it if thats the case.

Ok ok im done! :P
Hey, Ok As far as fisrt part, I didnt change the Aly or You part it's all still there, just make your fields a bit bigger by dragging the edges or the middle line. And Make sure you are using My whm profile. lol. I might give you My finalized profile once i know its solid for new content. For now I'll just point you in the right direction.

The reason Why you don't need to worry abut the Brinny Mirror buff on yourself is this. If you have Brinny mirror you can heal yourself without getting brinny veil buff. But have to spam heal yourself and pop stoneskin to absorb ticks. As far as setting up Regen on the Person who has Brinny mirror you want to regen them at even 100% hp so you set it up Regen if Has buff 432, target hp can be at 100% and has not regen buff id. it will always regen brinny mirror if they do not have regen on them. do the same thing for stoneskin if has buff 432 and missing stoneskin buff, cast stoneskin.

As far as the Mind control buff for yourself, You will not be able to use esuna on your self while charmed so there is no reason to add it to self.
FWIW on Moogle EX 402 doesnt seem to be esuna'ing? Is that the 1 shot debuff that needs to be cleansed off non tanks or is it the chains? And regardless of which - what is the other one? Once I have the ID's i can work with it a bit more without harassing you too much >.>

Ah just refreshed the page and saw your reply >.>

Ok regen/stoneskin - got it.

Final Profile (id be willing to donate even - assuming you feel its more or less complete)

Thornmarch EX - just did my first few runs and esuna doesnt seem to be working. I have it set to Party as target Party, has buff 402, and owner Any. That is correct yes? cause its doing jack and squat >.< As for the other debuff that needs esuna'ing or leeches - have the ID on that yet?

Its so new (the content) i cant find jack or squat as far as info on the name of it. During the fight im too busy runnign around like an animal and healing and esuna'ing by hand to take even a second to look >.<
Im not sure the name of the other skill yet, But yes 402 is the blue chains buff that drags you into green pit of death. If you Notice the Name of the other debuff being cast go to and search for the spell,once you find it open that spell, the number in the spells web adress is the spell ID.

To make Esuna Work prperly and RIGHT away you must make that esuna the first thing it looks for in the profile so first in list after raise. you can add it to the current esuna there that is aly, just add 402, to the first Esuna Skill in the profile.
ah, learning as i go. i thought the spell id was unique to minion. Now that i know where it comes from helps tremendously. If i end up in there again ill get the name and get the id and post it here.

I was unsure which spell it was for, and half the time i got the chains so couldnt esuna myself, perhaps thast why it didnt seem to be going off often. I do have it at the top and the no cast briny ID on levi is working perfectly. I get 0 stacks bar emergencies >.>
Bemoogled is 473. so esuna that.
Love this so far but will probably be easier to make my own custom one based on this for speed running. ty for this :)

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