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FFXIVMinion 1.5
Greetings Minions.

We will be releasing our version 1.5 FFXIV Minion open beta for all our minions to try very soon!!

  1. Questing !!
  2. A new marker manager, much more intuitive and all in one location.
  3. World navigation, including aetheryte usage.

Here is a teaser video to wet your appetites - enjoy minions!
Can't wait to fiddle around with this!
Hehe :) what is cool with minion is.. everything that gets added to a game gets added to other wich means that we will probably see something similar for ESO :D
is there predefined questing profiles alrdy? or is that going to be on the userside to provide those?
We will not be scripting quests, no. It will be similar to duty mode - we provide examples and a framework. The bot will come with examples for each type of quest - in the video, there are two story/interact quests, one class/kill quest, and one optional/interact quest. We will release documentation for the profiles so that the parameters are understood, and hopefully in time somebody (core or addon dev) will release a gui front-end to make profile creation easier.
Sweet. Yeah we have a pretty big group on skype that work together on profiles and things. Between Jackie, I, Ace, few others like the guys who released the lost city profile, I'm sure our masterminds will get it done haha.
Didn't just wet my appetite. It wet my pannies.
Sigh I'm on iPhone and can't see the link, can someone post URL ???
yeah im gonna work on class quests right off the bat. Hopefully that can be 99% afk

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