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Melee in Duty Mode
I've been using the Duty system for a few weeks now. I've tried on a few occasions to have one of my four minions enter as a melee (just to level up the job). My problem is that with only three ranged characters attacking the profiles that I usually run now take 8 minutes average and up to 10-11 minutes if something messes up or lags.

When one of the runs takes 10 minutes my melee will be kicked for inactivity and when the rest of my group tries to re-queue once they leave, I must manually re-select the Duty. Is there any way to get my melee character to avoid going AFK? I've tried quite a few combinations of spells on different melee classes and I can't seem to get ANY spell to cast if it's a melee character using the TP Duty features. I did run across one tip, that was to use a programmable mouse / keyboard to make a button macro (to avoid being triggered as AFK) but I don't believe anything I currently have offers "macros". Any help would be great, as melee characters are the only classes I hadn't leveled prior to purchasing Minion.

Thank you
make a skillprofil for your Melee and add a Buff, Deffcd. Then let the Bot pop the Cooldown always
You can also use Auto-Hotkey to keep pressing 1. I put Sprint on that slot and that didn't make any of my melee classes afk out of the duty. Here's a sample of my script:

~$*1:: ;This makes the hotkey, so 1 triggers the script
Loop ;loop the script untill broken
{ ;loop start
GetKeyState 1, P ;Get the state of 1
Send {1} ;It hasnt been released so send another Click
sleep 675 ; This is the time between presses, after its slept it will return to the top of the loop and start again
} ;loop end

@Shaolin2; That's the problem I have, when inside of a Duty my melee skill profiles won't execute ANY skill. I've tried skills / spells like: Virus, Provoke, Flash, Cure, Physick, Featherfoot, Keen Flurry, Second Wind, Foresight, and probably a few more that I've just forgetting about. When they're NOT set to DUTY, like Party-Grind, the melee utilize the skill profiles just fine.

@Evilaizen; I'll give that a shot, I'm a little uncertain as to where to type that or make that into a file itself? Sorry, I haven't explored much beyond the basic functions of FFXIVMinion.

Thank you ^^
you must change the Targettype to "Player" and other "Skillchecks" so the bot uses always for all situations this skill.

no check for range no check for MP or HP
Melee cannot use skills in duty mode. Because there is a check for melee classes to be in range to cast skills. IE melee range 3 y if not it wont cast anything.

can add this just under line 470 of the FFXIV_Helpers.lua

if (ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().name == "LT_DUTY" or
        ml_task_hub:ThisTask():ParentTask().name == "LT_DUTY") then
        return true
and make sure the melee character is not leader.
sure? i use with my warri Flash in Dutymode.
no problem.
(05-10-2014, 09:36 AM)Shaolin2 Wrote:  sure? i use with my warri Flash in Dutymode.
no problem.

in duty mode with out the change above melee have a check to use any ability. If the target is not in melee range then melee will not use any skill. this is why shield lob doesnt work in grind mode. but does in assist. assist mode doesnt use the check because your controling the player POS. with these changes it will bypass this check while in dutymode.
then my bots tp near enough to bypass the check ^^
TPing doesnt count. your not actually moving. you will still get booted out. Happens on the higher level duties that take more hten 10min to finish.

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