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FFXIV Update 08/06/14 1839GMT:
Didnt read whole thread....but...

As far as mounting, if you are using EA, it won't work, unless there's been an update i didnt grab. running in base bot no addons mounting works fine.
In battle 2 of China Zone, GAME MASTER will use the robot to privat chant if he receive the report from the player. If no answer in 1 minuter, the account number will be stopped. Is it possible to make a auto-repose in the private chant, and the chant content can be defined by yourself.
Please disregard my post about it not seeing a buff... I never used lua before and just learned the implication of ipairs vs pairs, which is why it wasn't finding things sometimes. lol
Will be possible to little change for duties until auto selection will work again? I wish it retry after 20 seconds instead of 60 seconds. It will be helpful as jitbit macro recorder isn't perfect with this and timing is various every time. So in some cases it takes 3-5 mins between runs :(
stealth still bugged. while in stealth he thinks he stucks and will auto-teleport. sometimes he comes out of stealth with sprint but is walkin insteed of running - thinks he stucks again and ports back. (tested on miner lv 11)


Choco is workin again. it will mount on it auto. :)

well, seems grinding works perfectly. did a lv now in coerthas. thanks for the hard work!
turn off the autostuck feature this has always been an issue.
thanks jackie, ill try that later. didnt read that be4.

so .. all seems to work like be4 :) thanks all hard workers!
What about the GUI launcher? still broken, and isn't easy to log 4-6 accounts manually...
Hey ich habe folgendes Problem :

Wenn ich alle 4 Accounts starte und eine Instanz betrete bzw nicht gleich etwas starte schließen sich immer wieder 2 Accounts ohne fehlermeldung oder sonstiges von alleine.
Bisher lief alles ohne probleme aber seit gestern abend fliegen wie gesagt immer wieder zwei raus jedoch aber auch nicht immer die selben sondern es kommt einer lotterie gleich welcher account on bleibt und welcher nicht

Ich hoffe das mir hier einer helfen kann da ich leider immer das pech habe wenn ich in den support chat reingehe keiner da ist
Are you sure your bots arent using the same key ?

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