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I cannot find my FFXIV.exe. And even then when I had this minion 2 months ago. I didnt have to do this, I could just launch minion while I was in game and go on my merry way. Whats the deal? Everytime I start the FFXIVMinion_GUI_Launcher... It automatically assumes I am going to just find the .exe. Why cant I just close the "Library" folder it brings up and just "Attach Bot" while I am already in game?
you can still do it that way.... use hte attach bot button on hte launcher. and how on earth can you not find your ffxiv.exe make sure the folder has .exe selected in the bottom right.....
Jackie, just bought 2nd keycode, to play on my wife computer. and I just copy and paste minion folder to her harddrive, when she play ffxiv and activated the bot, it didn't ask her to enter the keycode, the bot work just fine, but then my bot went off and my client got dc.

*nevermind, it works now somehow :)
its because you copied and pasted... its using the Cfg files that you already had saved. Delete those cfg files and it will ask.
i just bought a 2nd keycode for my alt account but cant seem to get both to work at the same time? how do you setup a seperate keycode for each account without having to use the bot to launch the game since both my accounts have a security token?

Edit: nvm found the issue it was my autologin that was preventing me from using my 2nd keycode. i deleted config files and manually entered keycodes for each instance
hi I have problem when I log in to the game and then use the Attach Bot after 5 sec crash the game there any help for that
does the game crash or just close out? if it closes out are you using the same minion bot key more then once? if it actually crashes there could be several things to look at .
2. Troubleshooting

If you experience Problems or Crashes at any point or if the Minion-UI is not showing up in the game, read the following points.
If you are running any other Antivirus software that is mentioned under point ,1.Requirements, of this guide: Some Antivirus tools pick Minion up as a false positive, this is because how Minion is working. It injects itself into a different process (the game), this behavior is often done by harmful software and therefore your 3rd party antivirus is blocking Minion, causing it to crash or stops it from working. You need to uninstall your 3rd Party Antivirus software and install the ones mentioned in point 1 of this Guide. You can also try to Disable your Antivirus or find a way to add Minion to the allowed software or adjust similiar settings to maybe make it work.
If you are still using WindowsXP and the Minion UI does not show up correctly, you need to place the Minion files in the same folder where the game executable file is.
Install Minion in a non-windows related folder, also not on your desktop. Install it in something like d:\Minion\
Reinstall the bot in a clean folder.
If you have problems with the Minion_Launcher, try deleting the LauncherSettings.bin file in your minion directory.
Make sure to enter your Keycode and Minion Forum Password without any blank spaces at the end or the beginning.
Every time I attach the bot it crashes my ffxiv instance. I have disabled antivirus and reinstalled. Anyone have any solutions?
Do you have the required runtimes installed?
no way to make this minion works. i installed and reinstalled all the requiriments and the game still crashes on the starting screen. the error is on the attached image. i'm using the microsoft security essentials and have no success on lauching the minion.

edit: about one runtime. when i intalled it my computed said that i have already installed a newer version of this runtime. should i unistall the newer version and use that is required?

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