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I never try the pvp zone although I don't see why it would be different in terms of how bot is functioning. The bot should always move freely if there is mesh in that zone.
but does pvp mode work for the zone? also if your just gonna set the bot to grind mode and have a nav mesh in the zone then you will need grind markers. but if you are trying to use pvp mode it wont work i dont think.
(07-16-2014, 12:26 PM)random73 Wrote:  I never try the pvp zone although I don't see why it would be different in terms of how bot is functioning. The bot should always move freely if there is mesh in that zone.

woudn't bet on this ;) If you set the bot to PvP on a normal mesh, it won't move. I guess the new mesh has to be declared as "PvP mesh" somehow, so that the bot actually PvP's there...
You probably just need to add the map id to the code in ffxiv_task_pvp
like other have said would be nice to have frontlines inc in the "pvp" setting so it can take us in auto and grind. But idk how it would handle following/assisting logic when party members/self die etc.
(07-17-2014, 11:22 AM)Mutantx Wrote:  like other have said would be nice to have frontlines inc in the "pvp" setting so it can take us in auto and grind. But idk how it would handle following/assisting logic when party members/self die etc.

I'm just happy if they can do at least this

- Queue frontline
- Move randomly somewhere to prevent 2 mins afk kick
- frontline end, reap the reward.
- Requeue frontline and repeat again

Map ID is 376. I had to put it in like 8 places in that pvp task lua. Course this was after i removed my mesh. So i have to get my mesh rebuilt and try again but it did at least detect pvp it seemed.

Also had to change a gate check. Its not 100% but here is where I got to. Still need a solid mesh. Mine is being weird it works if i get to each of my grind points but that jump at the beginning is pissing it off.

ffxiv_task_pvp = inheritsFrom(ml_task) = "LT_PVP"

function ffxiv_task_pvp.Create()
    local newinst = inheritsFrom(ffxiv_task_pvp)
    --ml_task members
    newinst.valid = true
    newinst.completed = false
    newinst.subtask = nil
    newinst.auxiliary = false
    newinst.process_elements = {}
    newinst.overwatch_elements = {}
    --ffxiv_task_pvp members = "LT_PVP"
    newinst.targetid = 0
    newinst.queueTimer = 0
    newinst.windowTimer = 0
    newinst.afkTimer = 0
    newinst.lastPos = {}
    newinst.fleeing = false
    newinst.targetPrio = ""
    newinst.leaveTimer = 0
    -- set the correct starting state in case we're already in a pvp map and reload lua
    if (Player.localmapid == 376 or Player.localmapid == 337 or Player.localmapid == 175 or Player.localmapid == 336) then
        newinst.state = "DUTY_STARTED"
        newinst.state = ""
    newinst.targetTimer = 0
    newinst.startTimer = 0
    --this is the targeting function that will be used for the generic KillTarget task
    newinst.targetFunction = GetPVPTarget
    return newinst

c_joinqueuepvp = inheritsFrom( ml_cause )
e_joinqueuepvp = inheritsFrom( ml_effect )
function c_joinqueuepvp:evaluate()
    return (( Player.localmapid ~= 376 and  Player.localmapid ~= 337 and Player.localmapid ~= 175 and Player.localmapid ~= 336) and
                TimeSince(ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().queueTimer) > math.random(30000,35000) and
                (ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().state == "COMBAT_ENDED" or
                ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().state == ""))
function e_joinqueuepvp:execute()
    if not ControlVisible("ContentsFinder") then
        ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().windowTimer = ml_global_information.Now
    elseif (TimeSince(ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().windowTimer) > math.random(4000,5000)) then
        ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().state = "WAITING_FOR_DUTY"

c_pressleave = inheritsFrom( ml_cause )
c_pressleave.throttle = 1000
e_pressleave = inheritsFrom( ml_effect )
function c_pressleave:evaluate()
    return ((Player.localmapid == 376 or Player.localmapid == 337 or Player.localmapid == 336 or Player.localmapid == 175) and ControlVisible("ColosseumRecord"))
function e_pressleave:execute()
    -- reset pvp task state since it doesn't get terminated/reinstantiated
    if (gPVPDelayLeave == "1" and ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().leaveTimer == 0) then
        ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().leaveTimer = ml_global_information.Now + math.random(15000,25000)
    elseif (gPVPDelayLeave == "0" or ml_global_information.Now > ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().leaveTimer) then
        ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().state = "COMBAT_ENDED"
        ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetid = 0
        ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().startTimer = 0
        ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().leaveTimer = 0
        ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().lastPos = {}
        ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().afkTimer = ml_global_information.Now + math.random(300000,600000)
        ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().queueTimer = ml_global_information.Now

c_startcombat = inheritsFrom( ml_cause )
e_startcombat = inheritsFrom( ml_effect )
function c_startcombat:evaluate()
    -- make sure we don't go back into combat state after the leave button is pressed
    if ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().state == "COMBAT_ENDED"  or ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().state == "COMBAT_STARTED" then return false end
    -- just in case we restart lua while in pvp combat
    if ((Player.localmapid == 376 or Player.localmapid == 337 or Player.localmapid == 336 or Player.localmapid == 175) and (Player.incombat or InCombatRange(ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetid))) then
        return true

    if ((Player.localmapid == 376 or Player.localmapid == 337 or Player.localmapid == 336 or Player.localmapid == 175) and ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().state == "DUTY_STARTED") then
        local party = EntityList("myparty")
        local maxdistance = 0
        if (ValidTable(party)) then
            local FLGateCheck = 0
            local myPos = Player.pos
            local i, e = next(party)
            while i ~= nil and e ~= nil do
                -- if any party members are in combat then start combat
                if e.incombat then return true end

                if (Player.localmapid == 376) then
                    FLGateCheck = 333
                    FLGateCheck = 33

                -- otherwise check to see if any party members have crossed the gate and set a random timer
                if     (myPos.x > FLGateCheck and e.pos.x < FLGateCheck) or
                    (myPos.x < (-1 * FLGateCheck) and e.pos.x > (-1 * FLGateCheck))
                    if (ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().startTimer == 0) then
                        ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().startTimer = ml_global_information.Now + math.random(500,1500)
                    elseif (ml_global_information.Now > ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().startTimer) then
                        return true
            i, e = next(party, i)
        return false
    return false
function e_startcombat:execute()
    ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().state = "COMBAT_STARTED"

c_movetotargetpvp = inheritsFrom( ml_cause )
e_movetotargetpvp = inheritsFrom( ml_effect )
function c_movetotargetpvp:evaluate()
    if (ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetid and ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetid ~= 0
        and Player.alive and not ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().fleeing and not HasBuff(,3)
        and not HasBuff(,280) and not HasBuff(,13))
        local target = EntityList:Get(ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetid)
        return ValidTable(target) and not InCombatRange(
    return false
function e_movetotargetpvp:execute()
    local target = EntityList:Get(ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetid)
    if ValidTable(target) then
        local gotoPos = target.pos
        ml_debug( "Moving to ("..tostring(gotoPos.x)..","..tostring(gotoPos.y)..","..tostring(gotoPos.z)..")")    
        local PathSize = Player:MoveTo( tonumber(gotoPos.x),tonumber(gotoPos.y),tonumber(gotoPos.z),1.0,

c_attargetpvp = inheritsFrom( ml_cause )
e_attargetpvp = inheritsFrom( ml_effect )
function c_attargetpvp:evaluate()
    if (Player:IsMoving() and not ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().fleeing) then
        if ml_global_information.AttackRange > 20 then
            local target = EntityList:Get(ml_task_hub:ThisTask().targetid)
            if ValidTable(target) then
                local rangePercent = tonumber(gCombatRangePercent) * 0.01
                return InCombatRange(ml_task_hub:ThisTask().targetid) and target.distance2d < (ml_global_information.AttackRange * rangePercent)
            return InCombatRange(ml_task_hub:ThisTask().targetid)
    return false
function e_attargetpvp:execute()

c_fleepvp = inheritsFrom( ml_cause )
e_fleepvp = inheritsFrom( ml_effect )
function c_fleepvp:evaluate()
    if (gPVPFlee == "0" or Player:IsMoving()) then
        return false

    local enemy = GetNearestAggro()
    if (ValidTable(enemy)) then
        if (IsRanged(Player.job) and InCombatRange( then
            ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().fleeing = true
            return true
    gPVPTargetOne = ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetPrio
    ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().fleeing = false
    return false
function e_fleepvp:execute()
    -- temporarily target nearest regardless of actual priority
    ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetPrio = gPVPTargetOne
    gPVPTargetOne = strings[gCurrentLanguage].nearest
    ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetid = 0
    local myPos = Player.pos
    local newPos = NavigationManager:GetRandomPointOnCircle(myPos.x, myPos.y, myPos.z,10,20)
    if (ValidTable(newPos)) then
        Player:MoveTo(newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z, 0.5)

c_afkmove = inheritsFrom( ml_cause )
e_afkmove = inheritsFrom( ml_effect )
function c_afkmove:evaluate()
    return     gAFKMove == "1" and
            ml_global_information.Now > ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().afkTimer and
            (TableSize(ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().lastPos) == 0 or
            Distance2D(Player.pos.x, Player.pos.y, ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().lastPos.x, ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().lastPos.y) < 1)
function e_afkmove:execute()
    local myPos = Player.pos
    local newPos = NavigationManager:GetRandomPointOnCircle(myPos.x, myPos.y, myPos.z,0.5,1)
    if (ValidTable(newPos)) then
        Player:MoveTo(newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z, 0.5)
        if ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().state == "WAITING_FOR_DUTY" then
            ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().afkTimer = ml_global_information.Now + math.random(300000,600000)
        elseif ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().state == "DUTY_STARTED" then
            ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().afkTimer = ml_global_information.Now + math.random(30000,60000)
        ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().lastPos = newPos

function ffxiv_task_pvp:Init()
    --init Process() cnes
    --local ke_fleePVP = ml_element:create( "FleePVP", c_fleepvp, e_fleepvp, 20 )
    --self:add(ke_fleePVP, self.process_elements)
    local ke_atTargetPVP = ml_element:create( "AtTarget", c_attargetpvp, e_attargetpvp, 15 )
    self:add(ke_atTargetPVP, self.process_elements)
    local ke_moveToTargetPVP = ml_element:create( "MoveToTargetPVP", c_movetotargetpvp, e_movetotargetpvp, 10 )
    self:add(ke_moveToTargetPVP, self.process_elements)
    local ke_pressConfirm = ml_element:create( "ConfirmDuty", c_pressconfirm, e_pressconfirm, 10 )
    self:add(ke_pressConfirm, self.process_elements)
    local ke_pressLeave = ml_element:create( "LeaveColosseum", c_pressleave, e_pressleave, 10 )
    self:add(ke_pressLeave, self.process_elements)
    local ke_pressJoin = ml_element:create( "JoinDutyFinder", c_joinqueuepvp, e_joinqueuepvp, 10 )
    self:add(ke_pressJoin, self.process_elements)
    local ke_startCombat = ml_element:create( "StartCombat", c_startcombat, e_startcombat, 5 )
    self:add(ke_startCombat, self.process_elements)
    local ke_dead = ml_element:create( "Dead", c_dead, e_dead, 5 )
    self:add( ke_dead, self.process_elements)
    local ke_afkMove = ml_element:create( "AFKMove", c_afkmove, e_afkmove, 5 )
    self:add( ke_afkMove, self.process_elements)

-- custom process function for optimal performance
function ffxiv_task_pvp:Process()
    -- only perform combat logic when we are in the wolves den
    if ((Player.localmapid == 376 or Player.localmapid == 337 or Player.localmapid == 336 or Player.localmapid == 175) and Player.alive) then
        if (ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().state == "COMBAT_STARTED") then
            -- if we got slept then stop any current movement attempts
            if (HasBuff(,3) or HasBuff(,280) or HasBuff(,13)) then
          -- first check for an optimal target
            local target = EntityList:Get(ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetid)
            if (    TimeSince(ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetTimer) > 1000 or
                    ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetid == 0 or
                    (target ~= nil and (not target.alive or HasBuff(,3))))
                local newTarget = GetPVPTarget()
                if ValidTable(newTarget) and ~= ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetid then
                    -- only switch to a new target if it has less hp percent than our current target
                    if     (target and target.alive and (target.hp.percent > newTarget.hp.percent) and
                        (target.hp.percent - newTarget.hp.percent > 20)) or (not target) or not (target.alive)
                        if not HasBuff(,3) then
                            local pos = newTarget.pos
                            ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetid =
                ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetTimer = ml_global_information.Now
                 -- second try to cast if we're within range or a healer
            target = EntityList:Get(ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetid)
          if ((InCombatRange(ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().targetid) or Player.role == 4) and ValidTable(target)) then
            local cast = false
            if (Player.hp.percent < 75 )then
                cast = SkillMgr.Cast( Player )
            if not cast then            
                SkillMgr.Cast( target )
           -- cast precombat actions
           SkillMgr.Cast( Player , true )
    -- last run the regular cne elements

    if (TableSize(self.process_elements) > 0) then
        if (self:superClass() and TableSize(self:superClass().process_elements) > 0) then
        return false
        ml_debug("no elements in process table")

function ffxiv_task_pvp:OnSleep()


function ffxiv_task_pvp:OnTerminate()


function ffxiv_task_pvp:IsGoodToAbort()


-- UI settings etc
function ffxiv_task_pvp.UIInit()
    GUI_NewCheckbox(ml_global_information.MainWindow.Name, strings[gCurrentLanguage].prioritizeRanged, "gPrioritizeRanged",strings[gCurrentLanguage].pvpMode)
    GUI_NewCheckbox(ml_global_information.MainWindow.Name, strings[gCurrentLanguage].antiAFKMove, "gAFKMove",strings[gCurrentLanguage].pvpMode)
    GUI_NewCheckbox(ml_global_information.MainWindow.Name, strings[gCurrentLanguage].delayLeave, "gPVPDelayLeave",strings[gCurrentLanguage].pvpMode)
    --GUI_NewCheckbox(ml_global_information.MainWindow.Name, strings[gCurrentLanguage].pvpFlee, "gPVPFlee",strings[gCurrentLanguage].pvpMode)

    --init combo boxes
    local targetTypeList = strings[gCurrentLanguage].healer..","..strings[gCurrentLanguage].dps..","..strings[gCurrentLanguage].tank..","..strings[gCurrentLanguage].nearest..","..strings[gCurrentLanguage].lowestHealth
    gPVPTargetOne_listitems = targetTypeList
    gPVPTargetTwo_listitems = targetTypeList
    if (Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPVPTargetOne == nil) then
        Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPVPTargetOne = "Healer"
    if (Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPVPTargetTwo == nil) then
        Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPVPTargetTwo = "Lowest Health"
    if (Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPrioritizeRanged == nil) then
        Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPrioritizeRanged = "0"
    if (Settings.FFXIVMINION.gAFKMove == nil) then
        Settings.FFXIVMINION.gAFKMove = "1"
    if (Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPVPDelayLeave == nil) then
        Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPVPDelayLeave = "0"
    --if (Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPVPFlee == nil) then
        --Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPVPFlee = "0"
    gPVPTargetOne = Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPVPTargetOne
    gPVPTargetTwo = Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPVPTargetTwo
    gPrioritizeRanged = Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPrioritizeRanged
    gAFKMove = Settings.FFXIVMINION.gAFKMove
    gPVPDelayLeave = Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPVPDelayLeave
    --gPVPFlee = Settings.FFXIVMINION.gPVPFlee

function ffxiv_task_pvp.GUIVarUpdate(Event, NewVals, OldVals)
    for k,v in pairs(NewVals) do
        if (     k == "gPVPTargetOne" or
                k == "gPVPTargetTwo" or
                k == "gPrioritizeRanged" or
                k == "gAFKMove" or
                k == "gPVPFlee" or
                k == "gPVPDelayLeave")
            Settings.FFXIVMINION[tostring(k)] = v

Did you try putting an offmesh connection at the jump spot?
(07-20-2014, 03:28 PM)Latty79 Wrote:  Did you try putting an offmesh connection at the jump spot?

Yeah, it just acts funny right at the beginning, I think its my mesh, it just walks in circles, until I have a solid mesh to play with its hard to tell. it doesn't walk to any of the grind points on my mesh to look for people. If i can get it to pass between the markers I think it will work.

-- EDIT -- Other problem was Resurrections. Haven't started looking at it yet.

I also had to adjust the mesher file to include the following.

    -- Line 55   Frontline2 because it is the name of my mesh.
            [376] = "Frontline2",

-- for Frontline Line 59
    if Settings.FFXIVMINION.Maps[376] == nil then
        Settings.FFXIVMINION.Maps[376] = "Frontline2"
-- line 62
Figure anything out with the starting area, edb?

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