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Weird FATE issue
Hey guys,

I decided to do some atma hunt with my 2nd toon. I ported to eastern thanalan to try and get the atma over there. When I set the but into grind mode and do fate he doesn't move. He just stay at the cristal.

I tried to change area and he correctly does the fate. I don't know why the bot seems broken only in eastern thanalan.

Has anyone got the same bug ?
Is it properly loading the mesh for the zone?
Yep seems to, I tried to reload the whole both several times and still doesn't work. Weird that it's only this zone.
confirm your on the mesh by opening the mesh mananger and clicking on show navmesh(not show triangle) and see if you are on the mesh.
When I do show navmesh as you said in this specific area it seems I'm not on it. I tried on another area and I can see the mesh on the groud and stuff. What should I do to get it back ?
you need to extend the mesh by showing triangle and turning on record and connect the 2 areas
So I just need to show triangle then turn onr ecord and run from zone of central thanalan and eastern thanal to zone of eastern thanal to South shroud ?
no lol

i ment for the zone you dont see the mesh on. So in eastern thanalan you either dont have a mesh loaded for it since you dont see it. Or you need to record. Id suggest going to camp dry bones and seeing if you can see the navmesh for easthern thanalan if you dont see the mesh with eastern Thanalan loaded then you should delete that mesh and relaunch the live bot so it can redownload that navmesh or record one your self. when you said another area i thot you ment another area in eastern thanalan so i ment for you to connect the area in eastern thanalan that you could see the mesh with the area that you dont see th emesh. not from a new zone lol.
I see nothing in the whole area and I loaded the mesh of eastern thanalan. To delete it proporly I need to go to the navigation folder of the minion bot and delete all the files related to eastern thanal (.info, .nxi, .nx2 and .obj) ?

Sorry might be a dump question but I don't want to mess the bot ^^;
yes thats exactly what you do. then when you start the bot again it should redownload it.

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