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Atma farming
What is the best class to farm atmas with?
You have to farm the atmas with the class you are trying to earn your atma weapon for, while using the zenith weapon for that class.
You actually just have to do it on a class that has a zenith. I farmed atma for my sch, drg, and brd all on the brd, I just turned in the crystals for sch and drg first.

I find bard to be good for atma farming personally.
Wasn't asking how to get atmas... just asking which class would be best to farm them as I want to get a few sets for different classes
War and PLD should be virtually unkillable, if slower kills. If you have a decent chocobo, any job works though. I did 3 sets with monk and rank 7 choco.
i did with PLD and my chocobo started at rank 6 and he ended rank 8 XD
SMN is easily the best for FATE farming. Fast kills, self heals, and pets make it very sustainable and hard to kill.

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