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Ultimate Summoner [New and Updated for 1.5] 09/05/14

[Image: pHHpiaN.png]

Presenting "Ultimate Summoner" - an FFXIVMinion Routine by Oreganobag

Totally frustrated and disappointed by the lack of included routines (We pay how much a month for this, only to have to do most of the routine work ourselves?) and no longer updated routines on the forums (that work "good enough" for grinding, but not for the serious SMN looking to maximize their DPS), I took it upon myself to create the best SMN profile I could.

I needed something that would work for Assist mode because I'm not a gil-seller. I'm just a crappy raider that can't manage to play competitively and progressively without rotation assistance. Also, health benefits - lower risk of carpal tunnel while using "Ultimate Summoner!" Ain't nobody got time for dat!

What's included in this rotation:
  • Automatic Swiftcast Garuda Summoning (Ifrit sucks, Topaz Carbuncle was better than Titan)
  • Automatic Steady, Obey and Garuda-egi ability usage (Won't agro jack shit out of combat!)
  • Automatic Swiftcast Raising (Raise those silly goons before the healers can, then tell them what a shitty job they're doing)
  • Automatic Swiftcast/Non-Swiftcast Shadow Flare Ground Target Casting (Finally we get auto-ground targetting! You'll never have to fight over spell casting priority between you and FFXIVMinion to get your Shadow Flare down again!)
  • Automatic Tanking and Pet Buff Usage (Eye For an Eye, Rouse, Spur and Sustain included!)
  • Near Optimal DoT Rotation (Never worry if your DoTs are up or not again!)
  • AOE Rotation and Healing Filter Switches (You baned the spiny plume again, didn't you?)

This skill rotation can be 100% AFKed with grind mode, or used in assist mode with user inputs. I couldn't say how well it works in questing or duty TP modes as I don't do that, but I imagine it will work just fine.

How to use this rotation:

First off, I would recommend going into your FFXIV character settings and turning off Auto lock on, Auto-facing, and auto targeting.

Why? Because if something agros you or Garuda, Garuda would automatically engage it if auto-targeting were still turned on - and this can fuck you up. Think spiders during Turn 4. If you just plan to run automated modes, you don't need to worry about these, but all assist mode users should have these OFF.

Auto facing should be off, because in assist mode, the bot would automatically turn toward Garuda or the tank to cast things like Rouse and Spur. If this happens when you need to be running away from an AOE, your controls will get all fucked up and you'll run right to the middle of that landslide like a jackass. Have fun explaining that to your raid group.

Filter 1: Checked on turns AOE rotation on. In most cases you'll want this on, but places like Garuda EX, turn this off. Don't bane that spiny plume you jackass!

AOE skills using this filter are Bane, Miasma II and Shadow Flare.

Filter 2: Checked on turns healing on. Unless your healers suck, keep this off in raids and dungeons).

Sustain is not on this filter, so if you want it to be, you can disable that yourself. Psychic on your pet is a waste of time and loss of DPS, so a heal skill for pets isn't included in the rotation. Best to just wait for your next Swiftcast and summon then which the rotation will do on its own.


FFXIVMinion acts weird and won't always cast the right spells in the right order. It's a slight DPS loss, but over a long fight it doesn't happen often. This is usually caused by moving during the middle of a cast.

Cooldown usage is on by default. It's going to use your cooldowns at shitty times, so if you want to maximize your performance, turn these off and manage them yourself. Even so, it works fine and you'll only lose 10% DPS over optimal manually played rotations I think.

Ruin II and Ruin weaving sucks. Because blind from Ruin II has diminishing returns each time it is used, and eventually blind won't proc, there is no good way to include these other than the way it has been implemented. Ruin is on a 2.5 second timer, which means if you've got even a smidgen of spell speed on you, it leaves a short window for Ruin 2 to be used. Ruin 2 won't be used if blind is already proc'ed, but, again, there is no good way to tell if blind will no longer proc, so you could be sitting there a while wasting Ruin 2 casts every so often. If you want to manually control this, just disable ruin 2 and turn the cast timer to 0 on Ruin. This isn't a huge issue and is probably less than a 3% DPS loss over long fights.

In fact, its probably just best to turn Ruin II off for boss fights now that I think about it.

Auto-summoning can be finnicky and sometimes not work. As it is setup now, it will only auto-summon with Swiftcast enabled as summoning in fights without swiftcast up is a huge DPS loss. Outside of fights, you can summon on your own you lazy bum (I'll look into consistently summoning outside of fights for an update).

Pet skill names get screwed up, but work as they should (For example skill 1 says it is Return, but it is actually Steady). I don't know why it does this, but go by the skill id and they are correct.

Work to do and things I need help with to make this better:
  • Ifrit and Titan Skills and Summoning Implemented
  • Automatic Garuda Interupting with Shockwave (Is this even possible with the current bot?)
  • Finding out a better solution for Ruin II casting
  • Further DPS optimization.
  • Miasma II settings possibly need improvement. Trying to make it use it before using Contagion with "Next Skill ID", but that doesn't appear to work.
  • Need additional filters so cooldowns and different summons can be put on their own filters - inherent FFXIVMinion base issue that I can't do anything about.
  • Virus needs the Buff ID for Antibody added. Anyone know this?
  • Separate rotations, 1 for single target boss fights (uses cooldowns and big spells) and 1 for trash? Ideas?
  • Next class... Scholar? I need a list of debuffs to cast Leeches on if I want to get anywhere with this. Anyone care to help?

Thanks to:
Ace and Jackie for ideas and rotation help from their own rotations. especially the current rough solution to Ruin/Ruin II weaving.
wildicedemon for the list of buff/debuffs. Couldn't have done this without that.
The dev team for keeping the bot alive.

Version History:
v1 - 09/05/14: Initial Release

Installation directions: Unzip and paste the UltimateSummoner.lua file into your FFXIV Minion -> LuaMods -> ffxivminion -> SkillManagerProfiles folder. Reload Lua Modules if you already have FFXIVMinion open while installing Ultimate Summoner.

Support - Ask your questions here and I'll try to answer them!

Permissions: Just don't take my effort and work here and claim it as your own. Link back to this thread if you can.

Attached Files
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PERFECT!!!! This is what I mean, I just tried it and did a dungeon and works great!. I have a condition that makes playing mmos almost impossible because I cannot coordinate my fingers that well but the Minion allows me to play again. I would like to see the healer one if someone has it please!... I sent you something just as a thank you for sharing this Justin.
(09-06-2014, 02:40 AM)eacosta Wrote:  PERFECT!!!! This is what I mean, I just tried it and did a dungeon and works great!. I have a condition that makes playing mmos almost impossible because I cannot coordinate my fingers that well but the Minion allows me to play again. I would like to see the healer one if someone has it please!... I sent you something just as a thank you for sharing this Justin.

Aww man. I really appreciate that. That is super helpful. My video card is dying and I'm going to need a new one so that is going straight to the bank to save for that.

I'm just not coordinated enough to play MMOs, which is why I use this bot so I can still play with my friends competitively without completely failing.

I'll probably work on Scholar next. Healing profiles are super intimidating though, especially due to needing to debuff everything, but I'll work on it.
Currently testing this profile using an Allagan Book of Casting aswell as everything BiS for SMN except ears. Gonna Update that Post to see where it goes.


[Image: 005d1028a4.png]

First is the Character itself, second is Garuda Egi. This is a Single Target DPS test. Gear I used was THIS set.

Edit 2:

MP Drained myself after 5:45 in Battle dealing 335 DPS - a little MP wasting tho it is a good DPS. I am barely able to strike 350 myself if I'm lucky with crits. Will try it for Turn 7 on Sunday - Tho I need to say I am kiting :D
(09-06-2014, 03:34 AM)saik1992 Wrote:  Currently testing this profile using an Allagan Book of Casting aswell as everything BiS for SMN except ears. Gonna Update that Post to see where it goes.


[Image: 005d1028a4.png]

First is the Character itself, second is Garuda Egi. This is a Single Target DPS test. Gear I used was THIS set.

Edit 2:

MP Drained myself after 5:45 in Battle dealing 335 DPS - a little MP wasting tho it is a good DPS. I am barely able to strike 350 myself if I'm lucky with crits. Will try it for Turn 7 on Sunday - Tho I need to say I am kiting :D

Edit: I screwed up with Energy Drain. Change Skill Target to Target and that should help solve some MP problems. I will upload an update shortly. I will have to play around with the MP % to get that right for a majority of players.

Also, do you think the swiftcast shadow flare should come before or after the DoT + Bane rotation?

I haven't made it to T6+ yet, so I can't comment how it'll do there. I'm sure there are ways to further optimize the rotation, so if you, or anyone else has some ideas, throw them at me. I'd like to actively update this when I have more information on how to do so.

Botting will never be as optimal as manually playing, but for those of us unable to fathom pressing buttons all day, this is a good substitute that allows you to play as well (sometimes better) than an average player.

I would really suggest letting the bot handle the major rotation, dotting, etc, and turning off cooldowns and manually using those when required by the party.

What I'm trying to get to work is Miasma II right now. Only cast if I am in range and Contagion is ready to cast after Miasma II. I may have to set it up a lot more complex than I want it to be, or it might not work at all.
(09-06-2014, 03:56 AM)oreganobag Wrote:  
(09-06-2014, 03:34 AM)saik1992 Wrote:  Currently testing this profile using an Allagan Book of Casting aswell as everything BiS for SMN except ears. Gonna Update that Post to see where it goes.


[Image: 005d1028a4.png]

First is the Character itself, second is Garuda Egi. This is a Single Target DPS test. Gear I used was THIS set.

Edit 2:

MP Drained myself after 5:45 in Battle dealing 335 DPS - a little MP wasting tho it is a good DPS. I am barely able to strike 350 myself if I'm lucky with crits. Will try it for Turn 7 on Sunday - Tho I need to say I am kiting :D

Edit: I screwed up with Energy Drain. Change Skill Target to Target and that should help solve some MP problems. I will upload an update shortly. I will have to play around with the MP % to get that right for a majority of players.

Also, do you think the swiftcast shadow flare should come before or after the DoT + Bane rotation?

I haven't made it to T6+ yet, so I can't comment how it'll do there. I'm sure there are ways to further optimize the rotation, so if you, or anyone else has some ideas, throw them at me. I'd like to actively update this when I have more information on how to do so.

Botting will never be as optimal as manually playing, but for those of us unable to fathom pressing buttons all day, this is a good substitute that allows you to play as well (sometimes better) than an average player.

I would really suggest letting the bot handle the major rotation, dotting, etc, and turning off cooldowns and manually using those when required by the party.

What I'm trying to get to work is Miasma II right now. Only cast if I am in range and Contagion is ready to cast after Miasma II. I may have to set it up a lot more complex than I want it to be, or it might not work at all.

Yet that MP Drain is normal for me when bursting I am down to 0 in like 5 Minutes. So I am Used to this - due to DPS breaks (Movement - Kiting) in Turn 6, 7 and 9 you will not Encounter that drain.

Yet for Turn 6 here are the Basics a Summoner has to be capable off:

DoT Rafflesia of course - and always let Garuda increase the DoT-Time only on Rafflesia - not any Add.

Cast Bane whenever a "Bulb" appears next to her
Swiftcast - Shadowflare whenever a "Bulb" appears next to her
Cast Fester on that Bulb.

Stop ALL Skills/Movement/DPS whenever Rafflesia uses "Blighted Bouquet"

Of course Swiftcast Rezz anyone who is dead.

Whenever a Player has the Debuff "Honey" on him a "Dark Matter Bee" will appear. The Bot will need to focus that Bee - You will want Garuda to also attack it + you will only want Ruin II instead of Ruin to that Bee because of Movement needed for another Mechanic.

In the Final phase - It hardly depends in what Strategy your group does.
Most of the times you - as a Summoner - will use a Limitbreak towards Rafflesia if the folliwing Conditions are met:

There are 3 Adds close to Rafflesia named Dark Matter Slugs.
She did cast Acid Rain (Most of the times you are safe to just tell that on Rafflesia having 30-32% HP left.)

That's for Turn 6. If you want me to I am free to test out your Profile every week starting next Tuesday for further Improvements. And if you want to go further Mail me around to work together on a full set of Profiles for every class including gathering and crafting :)
That'd be pretty complex and I think it might be outside the scope of whats doable with the limitations of MMOMinion.

Right now I'm having a ton of issues with cast priority. It'll spam ruin rather than Festering in some cases, and many other problems. Not sure what to do about that. Setting up manual cast times would maybe fix it, but that's a waste of time, DPS, and everyones cast timers will be different. Hmm.

This may be as good as it gets until MMOMinion itself gets better.
Well in fact it isnt beyond limitations. I've managed to get myself a profile for kiting turn 7 - It was rough and it needs some Improvements but it's working. But it is a shitload of time :D

I am currently working with Swiftcast Problems on BLM anyway -.- Minion just does nothing.. really nothing... Even when I set Swiftcast to be first prio with nothing as requirement - it does not use it..
Thank you !!!, can you also create such profiles for the other classes (WAR, BLM, BRD etc.)^^?
that's great, thanks.. I'm rarely playing a SMN, but will donate anyway, just for seeing someone doing good profiles again ;) I think Ace's SCH profile is quite good, I'd really love to see a WAR profile that can decently tank in standard HM raids like Brayflox speedruns and expert random raids.

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