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Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Gathering Unspoiled Nodes"
(09-07-2014, 07:35 PM)bumpouz Wrote:  Having problems with this on the live version as well, Switched over to the beta from before it went live and its working fine for Unspoiled. Also a quick note we should probably post problems in support not the tutorials.

also you shouldnt be using any "beta" bot any more, there is no beta bot live is what you should be focusing on. using live so we can find bugs and fix them.
We keep reporting what we think are bugs but no devs are responding to even acknowledge or correct us on the problems...
Just tryed editing a few unspoiled makers. Went to reload lua mods then Bam! Lost all settings. Seems like settings went to default... Complaint is there any fix for this?

Just tryed editing a few unspoiled makers. Went to reload lua mods then Bam! Lost all settings. Seems like settings went to default... Complaint is there any fix for this?
Just checked the Skillmanager tutorial, but it isn't mentioned there... I tried to set up a profile that uses a HQ skill on miner nodes containing ores (not Clusters). So I set it to "Has Item: <item1>;<item2>". This doesn't work however. I took some more looks , and noticed there's the overall setting for profile, and one for each unspoiled marker. Does the marker setting override the global one? That would be good, because then I can just have it set on a per marker base... I just don't want to waste HP for Crystal nodes ;)
Are there any Locations who can be downloaded? Would be great (Limsa, Coerthas, etc.).
(09-08-2014, 10:26 PM)TauTau Wrote:  Just checked the Skillmanager tutorial, but it isn't mentioned there... I tried to set up a profile that uses a HQ skill on miner nodes containing ores (not Clusters). So I set it to "Has Item: <item1>;<item2>". This doesn't work however. I took some more looks , and noticed there's the overall setting for profile, and one for each unspoiled marker. Does the marker setting override the global one? That would be good, because then I can just have it set on a per marker base... I just don't want to waste HP for Crystal nodes ;)

yes you can set skill profile to use on a per marker basis.

N/M, figured out how to fix my issue.
(09-08-2014, 10:26 PM)TauTau Wrote:  Just checked the Skillmanager tutorial, but it isn't mentioned there... I tried to set up a profile that uses a HQ skill on miner nodes containing ores (not Clusters). So I set it to "Has Item: <item1>;<item2>". This doesn't work however. I took some more looks , and noticed there's the overall setting for profile, and one for each unspoiled marker. Does the marker setting override the global one? That would be good, because then I can just have it set on a per marker base... I just don't want to waste HP for Crystal nodes ;)

TaoTao, you can put two same skill in one profile with different "Has item". that can easily fix your problem.

Let me put my experience about this function here, I've been using this function since Beta version, facing many interesting problems but fix them all. Now it works perfectly to me

1. Try don't use Cordial, it always stops the whole thing to me.
2. For collecting soil, use "gather gardening" and put water/fire cluster or umbral rock as first item. but remember you MUST render all out-of-reach item first. (or else it wont collect the garden item)
3. As I mention above, the default skill profile switching thing will swap out the profile you assigned to the Unspoiled node. Ace has already said that he'll fix it in the future, but for now, you can add following code to "ffxiv_task_gather.lua" at line 254

local profile = ml_task_hub:CurrentTask().currentMarker:GetFieldValue(strings[gCurrentLanguage].skillProfile)
    if (profile ~= "None" and gSMprofile ~= profile) then

this code will be removed every-time when bot auto-update it self, and if you add it when bot is on, you have to reload the lua.

4. You must have already collected the unspoiled before, it cannot be ??? status (25% chance)
5. When you try to edit a location, you better teleport to the location before you do so or else it might break the setting. (ex. if it's a wineport location, you have to go to wineport first)
6. Botanist cluster points with stealth option on take lots of time to reach, put this in your mind before you make a gathering schedule.

Hope everyone enjoy your gathering.
(09-09-2014, 07:27 PM)KazuyaX93 Wrote:  Are there any Locations who can be downloaded? Would be great (Limsa, Coerthas, etc.).

Got some Lined Up - check my Post (in the SkillManager corner)
I'm going to be creating an import/export addon for a lot of things in settings, such as gathering, hunt, markers, etc. Lot of stuff on the todo list right now though, but hopefully you should see this stuff soon. I'll look at the cordial problem, I know at one point it didn't work at all, but should've been corrected.

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