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Beast tribe dailies
Hi, sorry if this is a stupid question, or has been asked before. I did a quick search and didn't find anything.
Is this bot able to automate beast tribe dailies? I'm specifically referring to the last two sets of Ixal dailies, maybe ~12 quests in all, that reward Oaknuts.
Currently I'm looking for a bot to use in 2.4. There's a couple that look pretty similar in terms of features, but if one could save me like 3 months of mindless daily grinding to get enough oaknuts for new gear, it would be a no-brainer.
If you set the profile up with NPC quest id and such it should be able to if you make a profile. unless it requires some similar stuff to leve quests.
Is there a guide or tutorial on creating quest profiles? Does it work within the gui or do you have to use an external editor?
there is a profile creator built in to the gui of hte bot.
I see, thanks for the quick responses.
Could you elaborate a little on what you mean by similar things to levequests? The Ixal dailies are relatively complex, and involve killing/gathering/collection/talking in the first step, then returning to an npc, then crafting 1-4 items, then turning them in to another npc. Is that something that can be done in one profile, or would it require separate questing and crafting profiles that you have to start separately? If the latter, would the questing half-profile be able to do all the dailies you've picked up and then idle, or would you have to do them one at a time?
what i mean by like levequests. For combat levequests you have to "initiate" the quest when you get in range of the quest area. as far as i know the bot isnt able to do that part yet. But if its as simple as pick up quest A kill mobs interact with this or collect items off the ground it can do that. Gathering and crafting quests would require you to be in those modes. so the quest profile probably wouldnt be easy to make for those.

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