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Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Gathering Unspoiled Nodes"
You cannot disable the teleport function, it's an integral part of the mode. If you have an idle location, you can remove it if you're not leaving the area.
Sorry if I didn't see it but did anyone figure out how to make it gather from different Unspoiled Markers in the same zone?
Like Umbral Rocks have 3 different places they can spawn in Camp Tranquill
You set the marker in such a way that it overlaps all possible spawn points (i.e. make sure you can see all possible points on your minimap).
Letting the Bot mine unspoiled is not possible anymore because the spawn points are choosen randomly now
Unless they're chosen randomly across the entire map, nothing has changed. They have always been semi random within a small area.
For some reason, it's not working on Platinum Ore... I set it up the same way i set up all my unsp. spot, but it only teleport to the zone and just sit there. It's not going to the mark and wait or even going to the mark when it's up. The Bot only start working if i click on it and hit once at least.

any idea, what i'm doing wrong?

For the unspoiled node for scarlet sap located in the north shroud, the navmesh does not cover the trees on the slope where the unspoiled node spawns sometimes.
ok, so i have been working on this for weeks, and still cant get it to work. it will tele to a location and never move, no mount in use, i would love for someone to help me set just one location up and it work, i have had 2 people tell me how and tell me that what i have done is correct, but it still has never worked not even one time, using teamviewer to set it up for me and show me the correct way would be great. i havent asked for anything in a long time, been trying to do it all on my own, but im stuck on unspoiled, please help......
Some general things to check Cosmiclord, I'm just going to cover all the basics first.

For Bot Mode you have it on "Gather" And under settings "Gather Unspoiled" is checkmarked.

For marker manager, the marker needs to be placed in range of where the unspoiled node will spawn to where you can see the node on your mini map and not an arrow telling you the direction of the node.

The marker type needs to be "Unspoiled Marker".

From there, you need to set the location by going to new location and clicking "refresh map" first so the marker you created shows up. Make sure the hour is set to the in game time that the unspoiled node spawns. The clock is a 24 hr format so if the unspoiled node appears at 9pm you will set the hour to 21.

If you have done all of the things and of course meet the requirements for the node you are trying to gather from it should work. Keep in mind also, if you are using a skill profile and specify you need a certain amount of GP, to use cordials, or that to gather from a node you need a certain amount of GP the bot will sit there until the GP condition is met.

Only thing I can tell ya is to not get frustrated and go over each step one by one. The tutorials were pretty useful for a starting point and if you follow them correctly the bot should work as designed.

Bottom line as I see it, this is the most advanced bot out there and can do some really amazing stuff compared to other bots. If you want to use the best it takes a bit more effort on the users part. Think of Linux versus Windows although Linux has gotten to be a lot more user friendly and intuitive.
I've just started working on it today(unspoiled nodes), and I've noticed that it will randomly delete the nodes I've set up,. It's done it twice in the last 4 or 5 hours. is there any way to copy and save the setup files so that when this happens I can just copy and paste them back where they belong?

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