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AFK Symbol appears (red chair)
So i was doing some shard mining for 40min.
And when i got back, there was that red chair next to char name.
i assume its global and others see me run around while i have afk symbol
or maybe server does its own checks ?

i used an empty mining profile but sprint enabled
and minimized client window.

Edit: Solved by turn auto afk off (esc->system config->other settings->autoafk->off)
Found it (esc->system config->other settings->autoafk->off).
here is a thread talking about bots running around with the afk tag:
(disabling it in the options will resolve the issue)
yup been talked about at least 100 times now...
Similar question, why do I get a "busy" icon or a "sad bomb" icon when I start the Quest Modul? :D
It's too obv having 4-8 Chars running around with "Busy" icons :D
/busy off
The busy icon is to protect the player from random party invites and whispers.
Keep in mind when changing things like that, we didn't add them just to annoy you.
Yeah I noticed that, ppl invited me to their FC and it "auto-accepted" the popup :<

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