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Coils Patch
due to the patch they updated today for coils, i'll rework completly my way to do T6 , and if it works as i think , i may create soon a T6 how-to-do guide.
Just a heads up, seems blighted only does 3.5K damage. Should be able to heal through it now.
ok thank you for saying
You can totally ignore Honey(Bee) debuff. Only 1 will spawn maximum. BB does 3.5k with 0 Stacks. 6.3k with 8 Stacks (DF knowledge)
i have no time to test t6 yet but i think we must only avoid the yellow mark respectively eating from Rafflesia.
all other can ignore or BB can avoid with the new avoid task i think.
Tested T6 last night with 8 bots (Leader on Assist, 7 bots on Duty Mode to follow), was able to kill it but its still a pain and don't think it's afk-able.

Team: 1 WHM. 3 BRD. 4 BLM - All were around 100 item level.

What I did:

1.) Made 2 Coordinates - One at the Entrance and one at the Exit, both at 10 distance above ground.

2.) Pull from Exit TP point.

3.) TP to Entrance point when you get Torn Whip to break it; and back to Exit point when you get it again.

4.) Manually run and stand on Briary Growth when boss is about to suck you in. ( This was the only way I could do it, trying to avoid it will cause the boss to reset)

5.) Repeat until Blighted Bouquet, I kept DPS'ing through Blighted Bouquet, it won't kill you if the boss has 0 stack of buff.

6.) I ignored the bee when it spawned and just kept DPS'ing boss. If DPS is good, I was able to push the boss to Phase 3 without it trying to eat me again. If I couldn't push it to Phase 3, I just repeat the TP from Entrance to Exit and standing in Briary Growth strat.

7.) In Phase 3, kill off the bee, ignore slugs and DPS boss.

8.) TP to Entrance or Exit point depending on where you are during Acid Rain to avoid from getting 1 shotted. Rinse and repeat if more acid rain are casts.

Something that I did noticed is that if my leader is dead in the air, the boss won't get the stacking damage buff when it eats the other bots; not sure why, but its a good thing; can sill TP back and froth between my points with dead body to do the other mechanics.

Hope this help whoever tries to put a profile together!
the way i evade flower shit is i uses move command from dev-tp , i set up at 15 , and move front-back when i see the flower, just like u would do when u do it legit
100% afk able.

Did 6 hours today.

Will update later when profile is a bit more polished.

Hint: 3 way splitt profile ... 1 whm.
(11-20-2014, 07:22 AM)AzRed Wrote:  100% afk able.

Did 6 hours today.

Will update later when profile is a bit more polished.

Hint: 3 way splitt profile ... 1 whm.

If you could that would be amazing! Currently it's a hit and miss for me, and doing it manually with 8 bots sometime is not worth the effort, it seems faster to just join a group and do it legit
So I got called out of state on business for a few days. So I'll give detailed rundown if someone Wants to recreate feel free otherwise I'll try to polish it up next week sometime for you all; this was a very basic profile that could probably use more expert help and resulted in a few deaths but nothing major.

Party: 1 whm (i90ish) 2 bard 5 blm

3way split profile

Trash: all profiles are identical on trash, TP to crystal and burn it down, TP to next crystal burn it down, TP off the Orange area and burn down adds.

Profiles are essentially the same, but 3 different pos to avoid getting 8 stacks of devour, each time, one at 12 o'clock on boss, one at 4 one at 8. I used mostly Jackie's profiles for dps, but changed to do aoe if more than 5 targets, this made them all go aoe on boss, bee and slimes, killing slimes and bee before acid showed up.

After slimes the 3 profiles all go to same spot to soak the laser beam. Person who gets multiple teathers dies but teleports back in after return to start.

With dps avg i100 i only saw one devour before blighted bouquet and one devour after, and only 2 blighted bouquet. With 6 stacks on boss about 4500-5000 hp from blighted bouquet. So this is where I wanted to polish it up:

Since you can't really move for the devour, but you can see th cast for blighted, you can include in the profile to stop casting during blighted and it will make it cleaner ...

Unfortunately I am not very experienced in writing the profiles so I made one that worked dirty but can def be cleaned up.

I can check in on the thread over the next few days but won't have physical access to home pc for a bit. Hope this helps and I will check to answer questions if anyone wants to try to duplicate my work.

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