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Any Fishing Dev Happening?
Was just wondering as i have started fishing pretty hardcore, and was very happy with what is there at the moment but as it's a bot and should be able to handle the task better i was wondering if there are any plans to add more options for the Fishing section. Such as maybe like in 11 they had the fish related to 4 ID's where they knew exactly which fish was on the line before even pulling it up. I know this game is a whole different thing, but I've notice my rod does like different animations like for green fish it will dip down real hard. i could imagine there's only like 3-5 id's for the rod pull/dip animations.

So once again to some it all up was just wondering if there was any fishing advancements happening with the bot?
what would the purpose be of knowing what fish you are about to pull in?
So you can release it and try again to hook the fish you need, it cuts the fishing time down by a bit.
It was handy in 11 to avoid clogging inventory (or bot could throw away fish when it became a stack etc) but I think in 14 you have a good chance to lose lure if you cancel pull?
(01-08-2015, 08:43 PM)EonsTimE Wrote:  It was handy in 11 to avoid clogging inventory (or bot could throw away fish when it became a stack etc) but I think in 14 you have a good chance to lose lure if you cancel pull?
it cuts fishing time by not doing the whole annimation of showing you which fish you got, and Nepto Dragons could possibly be pulled out like 4 at a time @ 421 gathering if the bot was hooking nothing but them, and northern krill isn't that expensive it's not like i care if i let off a seaweed horse to get more chances at a nepto dragon. i'm sure it'll come in useful in the future to maybe when your able to start fishing up mobs out of no where.
yeah cut down on the time? but this is a bot its not like your staring at the bot fishing whiles its fishing. you have all the time in the world. 8 hours of fishing while you sleep is a ton of fish lol.
The short answer is that no, there isn't any current API development with fishing ongoing. There are several other higher priority things ongoing unfortunately, but maybe in the future the devs can get to this.
aslo a quick to do one for a fishing improvement to the bot you could be just to simply add the functionality to see the weather and time and apply to the the fishing markers maybe?

edit: so like if Weather = Gloom && TimeIsBetween= 18-8

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