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Post-Patch: Known Issues Updates
im getting this sometimes as well.There's no errors given in the gui launcher log when it happens
when will the gathering minion be fixed? :( i need it.
ty fxfire. yeah i mention 3 times i being having problems with the gathering minion. im trying to gather shards. i tried different zones and all have same problem. i put up my markers and type the item i want correctly and my minion wont move to nodes. If i manually click the node it will gather the shards i have up but stops after node is nifhsed and it dosent move.

I have already tried a few zones, reloading, putting more then 1 marker and making sure everything is typed right. just like in the past before this ffxiv patches.

so i was wondering if anyone else has the same problems, if gathering set up has being changed and i need to relearn new set up method or if its broken.

This ^

Plus I can vouche for that AoE avoiding does not work anymore, it did before though.

(02-11-2015, 10:41 AM)jony_stunner Wrote:  ty fxfire. yeah i mention 3 times i being having problems with the gathering minion. im trying to gather shards. i tried different zones and all have same problem. i put up my markers and type the item i want correctly and my minion wont move to nodes. If i manually click the node it will gather the shards i have up but stops after node is nifhsed and it dosent move.

I have already tried a few zones, reloading, putting more then 1 marker and making sure everything is typed right. just like in the past before this ffxiv patches.

so i was wondering if anyone else has the same problems, if gathering set up has being changed and i need to relearn new set up method or if its broken.

Update your bot, fixed it for me.

Other than that, Thanalan seems to be the best region to mine in.. Bot wise

Can also say that the companion issue where it tries to resummon a summoned companion still happens, when in a mount
yeah i updated. i actually check for minion update every 2 hours hoping a fix for gathering.
which zones are you gathering in? maybe some of this maps are broken.
(02-11-2015, 11:44 AM)jony_stunner Wrote:  yeah i updated. i actually check for minion update every 2 hours hoping a fix for gathering.
which zones are you gathering in? maybe some of this maps are broken.

I've heard there's a mesh for all the maps, but tbh not half of them work on my side. not gonna put the blame on anyone, but here's atleast the places I've been that works properly:

Western Thanalan
Central Thanalan
Eastern Thanalan
& Northern Thanalan

Shroud just keeps having meshes that don't work but exist, per say the mesh is there and is loaded.
However the bot rejects to use it and stays still, however used food, companion, teleport, buffs etc. (and ofc mines if you manually go to a node)

For places like the shroud I try to make my own mesh from the aetheryte to the nodes, doesn't work properly but it's good enough for lvling... at times
I'll take a look at this zones and see if they work for me. i was trying to gather earth and ice and both zones were in the shrouds. then lightning shards at frogotten springs. I like those areas cos they shield more shards.

i tested all this zones. im still having the same problem. my character wont move to any node.. wtf im i missing. i got the markers up what was change that i now have to reset uo my gathering options...
I still notice that I am still crashing whenever I switch zones. Saw no errors in the console and on the launcher. And I am sure I have updated.
Half of my key dont work, even copy and paste from the user CP , and still got more than 2 week sub
@bw, key issues don't go here, open a support ticket about that.

@people having no-movement issues, delete all your .nx2 files out of the Navigation folder and reload, just as a starter.

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