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Post-Patch: Known Issues Updates
With last patch, my companion already summoned spam started back up.
i guess skill manager is still buggy , mudras doesnt always land correctly, swift-flare is fucked up 1/3 , ect ... if that could be fixed asap , that would help a lot of people i think
Still crashing after zoning.
crashing after zone now too. And noticed companion error a few times while fate grinding earlier
* Kate feels sorry for the developers of minion and wishes SE would stop changing stuff :/
crashing a lot, which is really bad for questing =(
Client just closes, like when it cant authenticate. Nothing on gui launcher logs. I've had it happen even as early as when you hit teleport on the menu, before it even changes. But 90% of the time, when the screen goes black, the client closes.

Tried redownloading the nav folder as some suggested, and it does seem to fix it for a while, but it creeps back.

Checking duties now to see if it crashes in that mode. SO far, it has happened in assist and grind so far ( for me)
What I've tested out (really briefly since I haven't had time) ... is that when I launch the game through the bot launcher (not "attach") and then once I'm completely inside the game... if I teleport either by the skill "Teleport" or simply walk to a different map, the bot will crash.

Be noted that this happens around 90% of the time, there were some instances where I did not crash.

Ummm... Like I said before I haven't had time, I am pretty sure this is happening also for when you "attach" the bot.

Anyways, I will test it out later today. Sorry there is nothing that pops in the log window so I can't give any more details.
is there a way for us to use the old botbase before the beta skill manager was implemented in?
usually, from what i've seen so far, is the first teleport to another area works. nothing unusual. After the first teleport, there is an extremely high chance (90% sounds about right) that once i finish casting teleport to another area and the screen fades to black, the ffxiv client closes out completely (crashes i guess?) no warning messages, no error messages, no bug messages. Like ffxiv was never running in the first place. There has been an instance or 2 (the client would close when i wasn't paying attention so it might have happened more often) where the client would crash mid-cast of a teleport.

Right now as i'm running the Grind bot to level up my black mage, i have my homepoint set to the area i'm FATE grinding (costa del sol) and it occasionally teleports to wineport to get to the other side of the map. So far, after a couple of hours, it has not crashed since I haven't exited the zone, but still using teleport to get around the area, so my guess is the problem is heavily, if not entirely, dependent on zone switching (someone said earlier that they crash even when moving to another zone manually via borderlines instead of teleporting).

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