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Post-Patch: Known Issues Updates
Still getting the same crash, tho I've noticed it lasts a bit longer now xD I am able to teleport or change map 2-3 times before crashing.

Done thru starting game engine thru bot launcher

-- edit

with new update
Started crashing again last night. Just went to bed, figured I'd try again today. Unless there's a crash log built into the bot the best i can do is document what I'm doing and with what hacks enabled.
Windows 8 build does not experience the intermittent crashing.
Windows 7 build, no VPN, closed the mem cleaner application I was using, all Windows priority patches installed. New bot installed yesterday, copied over the folders for quests, duty, skill manager, class routine, and import manager.
Used the attach bot feature, turned on Assist Mode, hacks enabled were repair, teleport, paranoid, repair, skip cutscenese, skip dialog, click to teleport, and click to travel.
Started seasonal event quest in Gridania, teleported to Central Shroud, talked to NPC, teleported back to Gridania, game crashed.
Logged in, attached bot. Disabled features teleport, paranoid, & Click to teleport. Still using repair, Skip options and Click to travel
Doing the event quest, Teleported East Shroud, Limsa, Middle La Noscea, back to Limsa, Uldah, Central Than.
Enabled Teleport Hack
Teleported to Uldah, Gridania.
Ran Duty mode for Sunken temple hardmode, 2 bots on Windows 7, 2 bots on Windows 8.
Will switch zones some more after I get my zodiac drop.
(02-12-2015, 02:03 PM)fxfire Wrote:  are you running any additional 3rd party addons/luamodules ?

I am only using one 3rd party lua module for fishing, however I believe this is replaced for the original once the launcher goes through update each time.


Apart from that, nothing else Snicker
(02-12-2015, 11:00 AM)fxfire Wrote:  Please try the lastest version I just uploaded, I tried teleporting and switching maps for 10minutes now (devmodule and grind/assist ON) ..all good

After using the new patch, the client is still crashing the exact same way as before. maybe slightly less often. I was able to teleport to about 4-5 different areas before crashing.

Also as an FYI, im not using any 3rd party lua modules. everything being is used is from the default install.

Also: It seems minion is worse atm. Having a hard time launching as it occasionally. Keeps asking for my password and wont launch after pressing "login". My client randomly crashed on me twice so far mid-battle with monsters after a short testing period. Grind bot was not even on.
It seems that client keeps closing out a lot...since the last update. It's not d/cing just closing out and restarting.
Had problems where it would't attach...even though it was in the Minion launcher.
+1 to aetheryte teleport crashes
Crashes with teleporting.

Edit: and no 3rd party extensions either.
I've just found out that using the Click to Teleport hack will also crash my client, dunno if this is useful or not.

And yeah I forgot to mention that since last patch it seems to have a slightly higher tolerance to teleports, 4-5 maybe.

However I tried Click to Teleport inside Frontlines and its instant crash 100%
Spamming of "Companion already summoned." when debuffed with "Paralyze", while having companion out.
Did mmominion loose soem developers or not caring about ffxiv minion bot any more? what the hell..
Shits all broken.

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