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FFXIVMinion - Update
(02-18-2015, 05:41 PM)fxfire Wrote:  hmm no clue what happened, try now once more to restart your launcher, you should get the new .dat file.

if it still doesnt attach @the ones "bot not working now, but it worked fine some hours ago" ,please read the first post in this thread UNTIL THE END. If it still doesn't work afterwards, then please post here with some system details :)

(windows 8.1 64bit german ?)

Updated still same thing. Yes I not only read (and re-read) but also reinstalled/repairs all of those dependencies. I do not run any overlay program. My antivirus is defender (8.1 64bit English)
How about this :(

[Image: 96190a05fb.jpg]
Strange Atma grind problem:

When I first started to use it, it wasn't functional at all. All it did was move to the Evac point and stay there. I can manually move the bot further but it'll always move right back. Navmesh seemed okay. A lengthy google search turned up about the Task Manager. So, I removed that folder and it seemed to work.

Although all the settings are functional, it stopped working for some reason after a port to aleport. Reloaded the bot, restarted the client .. none worked. I can't say why I decided to, but i reimplemented the task manager. Turned it on, then switched it off. I don't know why but this made it work. Awkward

The second time it stopped, I had tweaked the minfatelevel- to try and eliminate all the lv 40+ fates with one stone. I had to set it back to 50 and just blacklist all of them instead. Although .. I don't think that was working as intended...

The third time it broke, I had stopped the bot to activate a fate npc. When I reactivated, it stopped working. Again, I activated the task manager, turned on the bot and just as quickly turned it off. Inactivated Task Manager. Turned bot back on, and it worked.

This is rather strange........

Also, I see the shadowed scrambled text overlay when I start my bot sometimes. Just that alone though, not the login stuff. It goes away on its own after bot loads. Should I be worried?

PS- What's wrong with NVidia Experience? I thought all It does is provide driver updates and change in game graphical settings (rather than overlays, enhancements)?
(02-18-2015, 05:04 PM)atmarkham Wrote:  I assume that this isn't intentional?

[Image: wve6gm.jpg]

I am recently encountering this problem too, but for me it's only happening when attaching multiple bots. The 1st bot will always attach fine, but from then, the error keeps popping up preventing me from attaching more.

I'm on windows 8.1, no anti virus installed except for windows defender. Everything mentioned in OP is installed.
(02-18-2015, 07:12 PM)fxfire Wrote:  Something is blocking the launcher from telling the bot where it is (folderpath, login , password) is, then you see the screen you posted.
I'm having this very same issue although never happened before
how do I fix this issue?
craft is imperfectly working.
*Has Buffs
*Missing Buffs
These conditions are ignored.

[Image: knjaYvQ.png]
以上のように、it seems that this problem with the crafting statuses is related to to some blanks appearing in the buff statuses array likely causing it to terminate the loop early.

We could likely short this somehow, but the real fix I think needs to be by cleaning out the array so there aren't nulls, I believe the lua scripts get stuck there thinking "there couldn't be anything beyond this!"

If you guys want, as always, I can elaborate a bit further.
Craft buffs change...

, becomes +

But the code to parse it hasn't changed.... Still uses , for list + for combine... Unless you mean they were wanting to look for 262「SHII」 *and* 260「リクレイム・Reclaim」 missing、 not one or the other・・・? Unless I'm reading it wrong of course.

Please feel free to correct me.

    function MissingBuffs(entity, buffIDs, dura, ownerid)
    local duration = dura or 0
    local owner = ownerid or 0
    --If we have no buffs, we are missing everything.
    local buffs = entity.buffs
    if (buffs == nil or TableSize(buffs) == 0) then
        return true
    --Start by assuming we have no buffs, so they are missing.
    local missing = true
    for _orids in StringSplit(buffIDs,",") do
        missing = true
        for _andid in StringSplit(_orids,"+") do
            for i, buff in pairs(buffs) do
                if ( == tonumber(_andid)
                    and (duration == 0 or buff.duration > duration or HasInfiniteDuration(
                    and (owner == 0 or buff.ownerid == owner))
                    missing = false
            if (not missing) then
        if (missing) then
            return true
    return false
Ace explained it in a different thread like this......

"," is still "or" and "+" is still "and", but it's a matter of how you have to read it concerning negative buff evaluation.

To elaborate (note: I'm using names instead of actual BuffIDs because I don't know care to look them up):

cast Fight or Flight if missing buff Rampart + Foresight.".. Cast FoF if [MissingBuffs] "Rampart+Foresight"
cast Rampart if missing buff Foresight+ Fight or Flight .. Cast Rampart if [MissingBuffs] "Foresight+FoF"
cast Foresight if missing buff Fight or Flight + Rampart. .. Cast Foresight if [MissingBuffs] "Flight+Rampart"

So what if I wanted to:
Cast FoF if missing buff rampart or missing buffs foresight and fof .. [MissingBuffs] "Rampart,Foresight+FoF"
Cast B4B if I have buffs hawkeye+barrange or I have buff internal release.. [HasBuffs] "Hawkeye+Barrange,Internal Release"

In addition, the "," is the main separator, and the "+" are evaluated with in each ",".

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