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FFXIVMinion - Update
thanx response

Craft mode →OK
but Has Buffs&Missing Buffs option
did not work.

262 only → dead
260 only → dead
262,260 →dead
262+260 → dead
make a new skill with the same buffs

maybe a write error during conversion
The problem is, it's incorrectly evaluating buffs when there is a null in the array. I think that when a buff falls off it leaves a null in the array, and after that it is not evaluating. I can test some more to confirm.

making a new file, it was confirmed normally to work.
I'm sorry to cause you trouble.
Thank you for rescuing me!
Made a new profile and it worked too, all filled out the same. They still leave holes in the array when multiple buffs fall out at once, but the new profile works and recognizes it, while the old one doesn't. (recognizes buffs only when not after a null) Guess I'm remaking all my profiles! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thanks ( ;∀;)
FFXIVMinion_GUI_Launcher.exe boot trouble.

Error occurs at run time program. :3

1.Bluetooth ON
3.MinionGUI boot
4.error windows pop
5.OK click! → FFXIV windows got Abend.

Program will work correctly with the following procedure.
1.Bluetooth OFF
2.MinionGUI boot
3.error is not out

Why will occur this phenomenon?

Until 2/18 was normal.
I think as the same trouble with atmarkham :3

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
While gathering unspoileds im geting "Error The loaded navmesh has no mining/botany marker" that happens when bot stops on the Idle location
the new launcher gets to server select / log in screen but gets stuck on input keycode/password etc window that pops up (red/yellow writing but broken up so can't read properly)
the launcher marked OLD still works fine for me
how do I fix this issue?
this is what i get now after the latest updates :'(

[Image: minion%20error.png]

but, if i kill the GUI before that error pops and the killing beings, it seems to continue working just fine
(02-20-2015, 10:34 PM)ludijak599 Wrote:  While gathering unspoileds im geting "Error The loaded navmesh has no mining/botany marker" that happens when bot stops on the Idle location
sorry .This company is probably Japanese companies :(
external Bluetooth adapter(USB device)

I have three cars a personal computer :3
using the Bluetooth is 2/3PC
In PC does not use Bluetooth, minion can use successfully.

im sorry poor English speak :3
I'm awfully sorry for giving you trouble

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