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Disable Fate Sync
Is there a way to disable the automatic fate sync.? I am trying to use Party-Grind to powerlevel a character outside of party but when the character doing the PL gets to the fate he syncs to the fate which kind of defeats the purpose of having a high level character outside of the party to PL. In addition it will unsync as soon as the mob the character being PL'd is dead which makes the PL'er focus on healing himself instead of the other character.

If anyone has other suggestions for ways to PL a character I'd be more than happy to hear them. I just can't seem to set up a profile that will properly heal someone outside of party and follow them around. I have had a look around the forums but all I see are threads for the outdated version of the bot or people with similar problems. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
well easiest way? do a healer class, make sure it follows a summoner or bard, let him have the pet/bard in focus or just assistmode with healing by 99% of health and get aggro by foe rwuiem/sending your pet to the enemies. The summoner thing is btw the most safe one as titan/ifrit immediately regains aggro, garuda sometimes doesnt want to attack or takes too long so :(

Otherwise I do regularly just do assist on a lvl 50 whm myself do follow on the lil char and let him cast stoneskin/protect heal when buffs run out/health is by 75%. Is easy... kinda...

Well thats all ideas I have. Haven't found anything else yet....
I've tried doing the assist heal/follow on my 50 whm but for some reason the bot just won't heal outside the party. I must be missing some setting. I've tried the profile that comes with the default bot and profiles I've made but they all seem to have the same problem of not healing anyone else. Not sure what I'm doing wrong or missing.
target = ally
Thanks Sebbs that seems to help. I would still like to be able to disable the fate sync though because /follow isn't exactly ideal. If the other character gets too far ahead or the PL get hung up somewhere the follow is cancelled. Party-Grind seems to work better as you can use mounts and won't loose the other character when /follow breaks. Also, using the Assist method and having to set healing to ally heals EVERYONE around me and I'd rather my PL concentrate just on me. I don't think there needs to be a disable fate sync for everything maybe just an addition to Party-Grind mode? Is that possible or is there already a setting to do this somewhere I can't find?
you can use part grind out side of party but no you cant disable fate sync

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