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Ninja Profile Request
So i was looking at this page

and I was wondering if I can request for anyone to make an Assist profile out of this since I'm not really knowledgable with creating profiles and I was hoping someone with more knowledge in it can make this possible
The one included with the bot does exactly that routine.
a question to you on this, Ace, the default profiles that are with the bot now, are they all reworked? Does it make sense to use them in assist mode? I remember the old ones being more of "leveling" help and Jackies were the ones to use in end content, and with the latest changes in skillmanager I'm not sure if it's better to use profiles from the forum and scan them for + vs , errors or use the builtins (for raid content etc.). I know that some of the builtins are now made by you, and I know you make great profiles, but are all on the same level? I play nearly all classes regularly ;)
Most of the ones there now are mine, but not all of them are "raid level" because I don't really play all classes enough. Ninja, Dragoon, Monk_50, BLM_50 should all be raid level profiles. If I find errors in skillmanager, I usually try to push fixes for profiles that might be have been affected by those errors as well.

On that topic, there is currently a small issue with BLM_50 that might affect other casters as well that I will have to push a fix for. I also don't know if the current version of skillmanager has been updated in live bot yet, so YMMV in that respect as well.

I usually create the profiles by taking whatever the "standard" or "popular" rotation is, along with guidance from somebody who may play that class, such as is the case with Ninja, which I pulled and reworked almost 100% to copy the rotation in that video.

When it doubt, at least try the default <InsertJobName> profile, or <InsertJobName_50> profile to see how they perform before you go searching for something.
cool, thx for info. So I need to change some profiles myself, WAR+PLD for example I used iSilences which was very good, but has a lot of Buff reliances. I looked in the tutorial section, but couldn't find information on how "+" and "," really works now, is there any reference besides the one spread throughout threads? (and, out of curiosity, why was it changed in the first place? + for AND and , for OR sounds very logical to me) ;)
+(and) ,(or)

use skill A if Buff A + Buff B present ( in this case it wont use the skill unless both buffs are present)

use skill B if Buff A, Buff B present ( in this case it will use the skill if Buff A OR buff B is presetnt.)

use skill A if Buff A + buff B not present( in this case it wont use skill unless both buffs are missing)

use skill B if Buff A, Buff B not present ( in this case itwont use the skill if either Buff A or Buff B are present)
(03-13-2015, 01:04 AM)TauTau Wrote:  cool, thx for info. So I need to change some profiles myself, WAR+PLD for example I used iSilences which was very good, but has a lot of Buff reliances. I looked in the tutorial section, but couldn't find information on how "+" and "," really works now, is there any reference besides the one spread throughout threads? (and, out of curiosity, why was it changed in the first place? + for AND and , for OR sounds very logical to me) ;)

It wasn't changed, this is still how it works.
Thanks for the response Ace :D and Yeah I noticed it did the same rotation,

Also Is this video doing the same rotation?

Seems like this guy is doing 580 DPS no food or anything
(03-13-2015, 02:15 PM)Contamination Wrote:  Thanks for the response Ace :D and Yeah I noticed it did the same rotation,

Also Is this video doing the same rotation?

Seems like this guy is doing 580 DPS no food or anything

that video was pre nerf btw

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