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Fishing Broken, or Just Me?
[Image: 2rxbnns.png]

I know the Fishing bot has a settings tab underneath it, but it seemed to have disappeared on mine.

Also, even when I do enable fishing with a mesh out and markers, it won't do anything. Yes, I am on a spot where you should be able to fish.

I tried using another fishing lua from the mod section (for better fishing, where you toss out vendor trash) and it did have the settings tab, but even with everything properly ticked (no mooch, no marker, etc) it still wouldn't fish.

I'm just wondering if it is something wrong on my end, or if others are experiencing this.
yeh same for me xD
the options tab for fishing are on the markers.
(03-14-2015, 12:58 PM)Cichard Wrote:  the options tab for fishing are on the markers.

Well that's the thing, It's missing the 2nd Drop down option that has "No markers" and "Mooch" on them.

And yes the bot is completely unresponsive regardless.
I am having this problem as well. Fishing stopped working after today's update. When I start the bot, the console starts spamming this error message:

failed with[string "C:\Program Files (x86)\Minion\LuaMods\/ffxivminion/ffxiv_common_cne.lua"]:2083 attempt to index field 'currentMarker' (a boolean value)
Markerless Grind/Fish/Gather was moved to QuickStart mode. Uploaded a small fix for regular fishing that should appear soon.
mooch in quick start mode aint working
Here's for more information --- Tested after the small patch that was just released within the last hour that Ace talked about:
(03-14-2015, 05:56 PM)Ace Wrote:  Markerless Grind/Fish/Gather was moved to QuickStart mode. Uploaded a small fix for regular fishing that should appear soon.

The problem is happening with marker fishing - markers that I've created previously that used to work before the update. I just relaunched minion and the problem still exists.
The update was pushed a few minutes ago.

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