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Grind Fates ignoring 0 wait %
I apologize in advance if I'm overlooking something obvious, but ever since the recent update that added the options for wait % for each type of fate (battle, boss, gather, etc) under the "Details" menu in Grind mode, it seems to always wait for each fate to have at least 1% completion before it starts running to them.

I've tried deselecting/reselecting the check boxes next to each fate type in the Details menu, and also changed the % around for each, but it still always waits til each fate is completed a little bit % before running to it. It used to immediately head to each fate once it popped even if it was at 0 % completion.

Sorry, maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I've tried a fresh install on 2 different pc's and still experiencing this. Thanks for your time and keep up the awesome work.
Somebody else had this issue and reported that it was the TaskManager addon causing that behavior.
That worked! I just removed the Task Manager folder and reloaded. Thank you so much!

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