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[module] LedgendaryFisher v1.4.5 (update: 15-08-23)
Ledgendary Fishing v1.4.5

NOTE: Fishing in Heavensward still requires manual intervention by the user.
For example:
- Get meshes for heavensward areas:
- Edit the meshes yourself if the area you're trying to fish is unmeshed.
- Add portal OMC connections if you need to fly to the fishing location.
- Adding personal fishing locations if the provided aren't working well.
- Editing the if provided fish information is incorrect (highly likely atm).
- Use of some abilities might not be working 100% atm, not high level enough myself to test everything atm.[/size]

NOTE 2: Old versions of the addon will break normal fishing, be sure to keep this updated, or remove if not used..

What it is this?: A fully automated fishing addon. Will automatically:
- Pursuit ledgendary fishes according to the profile you set up.
- Gather craftable- and levequest fish in order and amount as you set up.
- Gather blue and red scrips
- Level fisher from lvl 1-60

Download link:

Required Files:
LuaMods\LedgendaryFishing\LedgendaryFIshing.lua : main application
LuaMods\LedgendaryFishing\LedgendaryFishing_functionMods.lua : modifications to existing minion-functions to make LedgendaryFishing work.
LuaMods\LedgendaryFishing\ Data on fish
LuaMods\LedgendaryFishing\ Data on fishing locations
LuaMods\LedgendaryFishing\ Data on bait
LuaMods\LedgendaryFishing\Profiles\ Data on personal Locations

How to set it up:
[Image: main.png?raw=1]
Main window with activation options and settings.
Idle location: If set, you will teleport to this location when no current target to fish is available
Custom Locations: Opens a window where it's possible to add and remove personal locations.
Fisher Gearset: the gearset number you have set to fisher. Player will change to fisher automatically when module is enabled if this is set.
Selected Profile: The profile you currently want to utilize
New Profile: Enter a profile name and click Create Profile, this will create a new profile to be used and this profile will be set as the current active one.
Keep All: no fish will be released
Keep Fish Target: Keep only fish on your current FIsh Target list
Release All: Release all fish.
Edit Profile: Will open the fishing targets for current profile.
Save Profile: Saves the current profile

[Image: list.png?raw=1]
Displays the targets in current profile, clicking a fish will bring up it's edit window.
Next to the targetname informations is displayed:
B - you're missing bait for this target.
W - current weather conditions are not met.
T - time conditions are not met
Q - Set quantity for target has been met
LVL - the target leveling spot is not in your current level range (used in "Leveling-mode")
OK! - all conditions are met and fish is targetable.
Show all fish: Shows all fish and from there they can be added to your targetlist
Show missing bait: If your are missing any bait for your current targets, a list of baits will be shown in this window.

[Image: edit.png?raw=1]
Window that displays information about the target fish and also offers options to edit certain properties. Things that are modifiable:
Catch only once: if checked, the fish will be deleted from your targetlist if it's found in your inventory.
Number of NQ: if set > 0, the module will target this fish until the number specified is met, then move on to next target.
Number of HQ, as above, but with HQ fish.
Use stealth: if checked the character will use stealth
Fish location: the location you want to fish the target at. Most ledgendaries only have on possible spot, but leveling and gathering can use multiple spots.
Bait to use: the bait you wish to use for the target fish. Most ledgendaries only have one possible spot, but leveling and gathering can use multiple bait.
Bait for intuition: only applicable to certain patch 2.4 ledgendaries which requires you to catch a certain amount of other fish to become targetable.

[Image: missing.png?raw=1]
If any fish is missing bait, this window will show which bait is required, useful when you have set up a profile and then need to go buy bait for it.

[Image: editLocation.png?raw=1]
Remove location: removes the currently selected custom location
Add Location: Stores your current position as a custom location for the selected location. Only works if you're in the correct zone.

Known Issues:
Housing Zones are not supported

Please post if you find more issues!

Version History
LedgendaryFisher 1.0.1:
-I've removed the modified ffxiv_task_fish.lua and ffxiv_common_cne.lua files, and instead added functions in LedgendaryFishing.lua that overrides the required functions in the former mentioned files.
-Assorted clean-up

LedgendaryFisher 1.0.2:
- Improvements to switching target fish at window change.
- Some alterations to fishing locations, new fish task seems to align abit different than the old, keep me posted if you find locations that doesn't work!

LedgendaryFisher 1.0.3:
- Improved logic on detecting fatigue
- Fix of adjustment problems which leads to "You do not sense any fish here." message
- Fixed the problem where adding Sweetnewt, Twitchbeard and Spearnose would throw errors. (Bot will not attempt to fish these still as I haven't found a good way to navigate to these fishing locations). Their weather and time conditions will show in the list tho.

LedgendaryFisher 1.0.4:
- Locations run through and locations for resetting fatigue added.

LedgendaryFisher 1.1:
- Major overhaul of code
- Extended scope of the module.
-- Fishes for ledgendaries
-- Automatic leveling of fisher
-- Use module for gathering crafting materials and fish for levequests.
- added support for multiple profiles (included a few example ones) Note: you have to manually click save profile for it to save, otherwise it'll be lost when changing profile or closing bot
- added optional idle location
- configurable list of fish to release

LedgendaryFisher 1.1.1:
- Added check to make sure bait get switched when intuition kicks in, could be interupted by cast.

LedgendaryFisher 1.1.2:
- Empty database on no longer throw exceptions
- Added display for when weather conditions are unknown due to no weather data ("UW")
- Fixed Silver Shark ID so it should now be visible.

LedgendaryFisher 1.2:
- Item checks now work on ID instead of names, should support all languages now! (Big thanks to MAHA for the itemlist!)
- Fix of an issue when comes back from being previously out of date.

LedgendaryFisher 1.2.1:
- Changes task mode to fish on enable
- Fix of an issue when changing location on the fish edit screen wouldn't have the desired effect.

LedgendaryFisher 1.2.2:
- WeatherCollector updated to handle changes made to
- Trimmed the ID-file to reduce cpu-load

LedgendaryFisher 1.2.3:
- Improvement to weathercollector
- Sets Catch only once correctly when reloading profile
- Fixed spelling in items-EN that resulted in unwanted release of fish

LedgendaryFisher 1.3:
- Rework of data structure (will break your old profiles, sorry!)
- Update to handle new Minion-functions
- New settings for which fish to catch or release
- Possibility to add personal locations
- Reworked handling of fatigue
- Support for Heavensward fish and locations. (No real locations added of yet, please use the possibility to add personal locations as of now. Information on fish is in a lot of cases off aswell, just quickly added in this version.)

LedgendaryFisher 1.3.1:
- Add Heavensward locations
- Re-Added Leveling profile

LedgendaryFisher 1.3.2:
- Updated fish information for heavensward fish
- Levelspots lvl 50-60 added
- Added support for Brute Leech and Giant Crane Fly baits
- Added support for snagging, fisheyes.
- Added support for Patience
- Added support for Collectability (will accept all fish for now, until minion API allows accept on collectability conditions being met)
- Bugfix: weather conditions Overcast was changed to Clouds on

LedgendaryFisher 1.4:
- Reworked weather collection, now utilizes AceLib
- Update more weather descriptions in FishData
- Bug-fix for setting bait in last minion update
- Extended handling of collectables

LedgendaryFisher 1.4.1:
- Fixed relocation bug (I think..)
- Fixed bug with unwanted release of fish
- Language support for collectables
- New sorting method for adding fish: By Name
- Uses Powerful Hook on massive tugs

LedgendaryFisher 1.4.2:
- Update to work with new marker system

LedgendaryFisher 1.4.3:
- Further bugfixes
- Option to use cordials
- Option to select which type of hookset to use.

LedgendaryFisher 1.4.4:
- Minor bugfix
- Handles player dying (returns and the continues fishing)
- Detects fatigue on patience usage

LedgendaryFisher 1.4.5:
- FIx to a bug where the character moves unwanted backwards when relocating
- Fix to a bug where the player would keep on eating food even when full.
Whoa, this looks amazing, looking forward to trying it out.

Works great, I'll let ya know if I see any issues.
Always enjoy having new addons, however I would recommend you remove everything from your ffxiv_common_cne.lua that you aren't specifically overriding, because you're going to cause a lot of things to break. I can already see several things that are out of date in this version you are using that will cause anyone using the addon to not work properly, and that list will only increase as this is a file that is updated pretty often.
Thanks for the feedback!
I got a really weird problem happening.

Been using this for like 2 hours, played a little catchup on some 2.0 fishes. After getting some and going to attempt the Olgoi-Khorkoi it the Fish List went crazy and minimized, then only had 3 out of 21 (a little before ) fishes displayed, and I couldn't add any new fishes even after a restart. Basically totally killed itself.

I was able to "fix" this with a fresh minion.

Another thing happening; "You do not sense any fish..." like 100% of the times the pos is wrong when this appears. You may need tp adjust some of these to be a little closer to the water.
(04-01-2015, 02:09 AM)saik1992 Wrote:  Been using this for like 2 hours, played a little catchup on some 2.0 fishes. After getting some and going to attempt the Olgoi-Khorkoi it the Fish List went crazy and minimized, then only had 3 out of 21 (a little before ) fishes displayed, and I couldn't add any new fishes even after a restart. Basically totally killed itself.

Did you add Spearnose, Twitchbeard or Sweetnewt to the list by mistake? It sounds like the effect when you do this atm (known bug, will fix soon). It's due to Mist, Goblet and Lavender Beds not being in minions default meshes. You can solve the problem by reloading minion by ctrl+l (unless you clicked save profile before)

(04-01-2015, 02:09 AM)saik1992 Wrote:  Another thing happening; "You do not sense any fish..." like 100% of the times the pos is wrong when this appears. You may need tp adjust some of these to be a little closer to the water.

This is a problem generally for the Fishing Task atm (I use minions default markers for fishing locations, unless they didn't exist).
Before the latest update, it ran to the marker, then ran forward for a short while and then start to fish, in the last update it doesn't do that forward run anymore and usually ends up being in a spot where it's not able to fish anymore.
I'm going to look over and adjust fishing locations, what locations did you notice problems with?

Btw, if anyone is experiencing problems, check the console window.
Usually there is an error message there and it'll give me a place to start when figuring out what's wrong, thanks!
Module updated, see original post.

On a side note, I found what made sync adjust not work in the new version of the fishing task, it seems like the sync adjustment subtask has been removed from the initiation function of the fishing task.
Probably had one of those 3 loaded in with save profile, yeah. :/

I'm going to try and get a List together, can't do alot of fishes yet sadly so I'll need some days for the 3*'s :)
Good addon. Started out working well, but I've run in to a problem. I can't add any new fish to the list and the Targets list has disappeared.

Edit: Just figured out this problem happens when trying to add Zalera, Beguiler Chub, Oschon's Print and Gigantshark.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
I added the sync_adjust back to the fishing module yesterday. Didn't realize this was still necessary since mine hasn't needed it in a while, but I guess it's still useful under certain circumstances.

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