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PC upgrade
Hello. I currently running 4 bots + main and i want to be capable to run 8 or even 16 bots + main.
What should be my upgrade priority and to what you suggest? Help me please :-(

My specs:
Motherboard - Asrock Z68 Pro3
CPU - I5-2500k @ 4400
GPU - AMD Radeon 6950 1gb
RAM - 8gb
Priority is CPU, you need as many cores as you can get, i7 at a minimum if you want to run 8, or some high core count AMD maybe.
here my spec to give u a idea:

Motherboard - maximus vii hero
CPU - i7-4790k @ 4.00GHZ
GPU - Geforce gtx 960 4gb
RAM - 16 gb

I run 8 bot
A i7 from ivy gen and up should suffice, but the newer gen goes on sale often and I would recommend it because you can overclock the heck out of 4790k which I recommend jaged should do.
Thank you for answers. Now i know what to do ;)
Your 2500k should be fine with 8 bots. I would say that lack of memory in GPU is limiting you. Check up in applications like CPU-Z and GPU-Z which parts are running at 100% and you'll know what you need to upgrade.
I overclock a 2500k to 4.4 and run 8 bots. its sufficient, It will stutter every once and while. I can still play a game of dota with 8 bots in the background. With8 bots my CPU usage pingpongs from 25%-70% , occasionally spiking up to 100%(not often)

the rest of my hardware is similar to yours.

8GB of ram is questionable (I use 8), it is fine for parking your bots in Rising Stone. Questing on 8 bots / being in a zone that puts more load on your ram can really slow down performance (ie dont bring 8 bots into GC at the same time, when i enter GC my ram usage for each process shoots over 1gb). With 8 bots my RAM sits around 70%-85% load

My GPU is a 560ti, im too lazy to compare benchmarks to yours. The biggest limiting factor of my GPU is the GPU RAM, sits at 91% load normally (1gb). The cores on my GPU are at around 80% load

If you use your computer for your everyday computer needs, you might want to consider upgrades on all fronts. IF its a dedicated botting computer you should be fine to only run 8 bots + main

Someone made a similar post recently on the forums, Cichard posted his specs + what it can run. Should give you an idea about running 16 bots.
Am I the only one with AMD here? Just purchased an 8350 for my MSI motherboard.
Both of my botting rigs are full on AMD, Amd 8350s with AMD R9 270x graphic cards. 32 gigs of ram. I'm able to run 24 bots on one computer fairly smooth and do other things like serf web and such. But i can run 32 bots but nothing else can be done on the computer.
I want to start running 8 bots at a time in a single computer but I want to make sure I am set for based on my specs could I receive input on how I could make this possible?

Nvidia GTX 980 SLI
16GB's RAM

Is there something on these specs that I could improve on at all?

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