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Gold Saucer!
(04-09-2015, 07:07 PM)zonk Wrote:  
(04-09-2015, 04:59 AM)bauer6644 Wrote:  Any possibility of a King Elmer script or something? Getting 60 cards is a pretty big grind at the moment, but I would love to farm some MGP for some of the glamour gear.
It only took me like 2 days to get to 60 cards. It's actually pretty fun apart from some of the droprates on the NPCs.

Still waiting on the guide to getting the indolent imperial script working tho, that's when the real grind starts. ;-;

Any tips?
Sorry about no NEW progress being made on my ultima deck script... Trying to wrap my head around the logic because what I want it to do is make near perfect scenario every time but it is a pain... I've always hated doing nested IF statements....
(04-11-2015, 07:03 PM)bauer6644 Wrote:  
(04-09-2015, 07:07 PM)zonk Wrote:  
(04-09-2015, 04:59 AM)bauer6644 Wrote:  Any possibility of a King Elmer script or something? Getting 60 cards is a pretty big grind at the moment, but I would love to farm some MGP for some of the glamour gear.
It only took me like 2 days to get to 60 cards. It's actually pretty fun apart from some of the droprates on the NPCs.

Still waiting on the guide to getting the indolent imperial script working tho, that's when the real grind starts. ;-;

Any tips?

This guide helped me a lot ^
He lists the decks he uses near the bottom for each rule. Once you get the hang of the different rules it becomes pretty easy to win, even more so if you use his decks. GL!
I took brooklynbase's script and modified it, it works quite well (It's not a 100% win though, but it wins most of the time) but I tried it last night, it worked for ~3hours and then I don't know what happened but my chat only says the timer was over...
If you try it, please give a feedback :)
(Deck is: Alphinaud, Urianger, Thancred, Y'shtola, Papalymo)

NOTE THAT: I'm gonna be off a few days, but I'll try to make a script with a deck that requires 30 cards instead of 60. The deck being: Ixal, Scarface Bugaal Ja, Mutamix, Memeroon and Frixio.

(PS: Sorry if I make mistakes, english isn't my native language :p)

You can download the script here, just rename the extension from txt to ahk once you've downloaded it.
ok i have the cards needed i see you finished a ahk, but could you please make a step by step guide on what programs i will need and how to use this / make it work for dummies?
Okay now that I've had more time to test...

I created one that takes into account for more scenarios, a different deck (still need 60 cards). Instead of verifying your cards as the method of placing; mine checks certain open spots based off patterns I remember when farming him at 100% win rate. However automation isn't perfect and to make it perfect I would need to create something far more elaborate then I intend to do so. Still with this one you SHOULD never lose and I have yet to do so.

I think this script has like 80-90% win rate and a 5-15% draw rate or something.

Now I'm not sure what to do it with it yet; I might find one person who would test, add, and improve upon it.(If you are interested in being that person send me a PM.)

As of now there isn't a public release until I feel it would be worthy and be near perfect. Plus right now people will have to still enter their own pixel colors and the position of your cards + panels. All-in-all this means that the people who probably want it the most couldn't use it. Those who would know how to use it likely have BB's script and changed it for themselves.
what screen resolution are people running at? Trying to get an idea how to minimize tweaking since i have no idea what im doing.
sooo much tweaking!! Adjustments going well but went outside for a smoke break and noticed program only ran 2x before it just started moving my camera around and didnt have Imperial even selected. I have noticed it do this a before.
I have decided to modify ratdo's script (thanks to him and brooklynbase) slightly, namely to fix the issue with the camera spinning out and breaking the script. I have tested this for 30 hours straight with no glaring issues. Changes below if you care about that stuff.

Download link: Here

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
WinGet, programid, List, FINAL FANTASY

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen

;        Please read!
;        When you modify the script for you setup, be sure
;        to leave the "RGB" at the end of the PixelGetColor
;        as well as the "0x" before the RGB values
;        AHK uses BGR by default, but the Window Spy gives RGB values, so I made it easier to use
;        I used and modified brooklynbase's script, so huge thanks to him
;        Feedback would be appreciated @ (script's posted on page 13)
;        Deck is: Alphinaud, Urianger, Thancred, Y'shtola, Papalymo
;        -ratdo

; Win Z to Start

; Create Window Tool Tip to show # of Games
        sleep 2000
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 2000
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 2000
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 2000
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 2500
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 2000
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 2000
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
Sleep 10500

; Game started, Alphinaud    

    Sleep 2500
    PixelGetColor, color, 1115, 657, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty bottom right
    if color = 0xC8C9C1
        Click, 484, 526 ; Pick up Alphinaud
        Sleep 1
        Click, 484, 526 ; Pick up Alphinaud
        Sleep 1
        Click, 1115, 657 ; Drop Alphinaud bottom right
        PixelGetColor, color, 980, 658, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle bottom
        if color = 0xDEDFD6
            Click, 484, 526 ; Pick up Alphinaud
            Sleep 1
            Click, 484, 526 ; Pick up Alphinaud
            Sleep 1
            Click, 980, 658 ; Drop Alphinaud middle bottom
            Click, 484, 526 ; Pick up Alphinaud
            Sleep 1
            Click, 484, 526 ; Pick up Alphinaud
            Sleep 1
            Click, 844, 658 ; Drop Alphinaud bottom left
Sleep 5500 ; Imperial turn

; Our turn, Urianger

    Sleep 2500
    PixelGetColor, color, 980, 523, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle
    if color = 0xB9B8AD
        Click, 598, 521 ; Pick up Urianger
        Sleep 1
        Click, 598, 521 ; Pick up Urianger
        Sleep 1
        Click, 980, 523 ; Drop Urianger middle
        PixelGetColor, color, 1117, 521, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle right
        if color = 0xD6D6CB
            Click, 598, 521 ; Pick up Urianger
            Sleep 1
            Click, 598, 521 ; Pick up Urianger
            Sleep 1
            Click, 1117, 521 ; Drop Urianger middle right
            Click, 598, 521 ; Pick up Urianger
            Sleep 1
            Click, 598, 521 ; Pick up Urianger
            Sleep 1
            Click, 980, 658 ; Drop Urianger middle bottom
Sleep 6000 ; Imperial turn

; Our turn, Thancred

    Sleep 2500
    PixelGetColor, color, 1115, 387, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty top right
    if color = 0xB9B8AD
        Click, 703, 524 ; Pick up Thancred
        Sleep 1
        Click, 703, 524 ; Pick up Thancred
        Sleep 1
        Click, 1115, 387 ; Drop Thancred top right
        PixelGetColor, color, 978, 385, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty top middle
        if color = 0xD6D6CB
            Click, 703, 524 ; Pick up Thancred
            Sleep 1
            Click, 703, 524 ; Pick up Thancred
            Sleep 1
            Click, 978, 385 ; Drop Thancred top middle        
            Click, 703, 524 ; Pick up Thancred
            Sleep 1
            Click, 703, 524 ; Pick up Thancred
            Sleep 1
            Click, 843, 385 ; Drop Thancred top left
Sleep 5500 ; Imperial turn

; Our turn, Yshtola
    Sleep 2500
    PixelGetColor, color, 980, 658, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle bottom
    if color = 0xDEDFD6
        Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
        Sleep 1
        Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
        Sleep 1
        Click, 980, 658 ; Drop Yshtola middle bottom
        PixelGetColor, color, 844, 659, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty bottom left
        if color = 0xB9B8AD
            Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
            Sleep 1
            Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
            Sleep 1
            Click, 844, 659 ; Drop Yshtola bottom left
            PixelGetColor, color, 845, 521, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle left
            if color = 0xD6D6CB
                Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
                Sleep 1
                Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
                Sleep 1
                Click, 845, 521 ; Drop Yshtola middle left        
                Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
                Sleep 1
                Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
                Sleep 1
                Click, 845, 385 ; Drop Yshtola top left
Sleep 8500 ; Imperial turn

; If Imperial played first, we won't be playing Papalymo, we will set up next game
; Else we will play our last Papalymo card
; Here I used the timer bar in our side to know if we have to play or not, the color & coords are from around 30% of the bar (If it's yellow/green, then we can play, so we play. If not, we don't play)

    PixelGetColor, color, 641, 619, RGB
    if color = 0x3A5A7A
        PixelGetColor, color, 844, 659, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty bottom left
        if color = 0xB9B8AD
            Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
            Sleep 1
            Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
            Sleep 1
            Click, 844, 659 ; Drop Papalymo bottom left
            Sleep 6000
            PixelGetColor, color, 845, 521, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle left
            if color = 0xD6D6CB
                Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                Sleep 1
                Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                Sleep 1
                Click, 845, 521 ; Drop Papalymo middle left
                Sleep 6000        
                PixelGetColor, color, 978, 385, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty top middle
                if color = 0xD6D6CB
                    Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                    Sleep 1
                    Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                    Sleep 1
                    Click, 978, 385 ; Drop Papalymo top middle
                    Sleep 6000        
                    PixelGetColor, color, 1117, 521, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle right
                    if color = 0xD6D6CB
                        Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                        Sleep 1
                        Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                        Sleep 1
                        Click, 1117, 521 ; Drop Papalymo middle right
                        Sleep 6000
                        Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                        Sleep 1
                        Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                        Sleep 1
                        Click, 845, 385 ; Drop Papalymo top left
                        Sleep 6000
        Sleep 1
    PixelGetColor, color, 835, 289, RGB ; Rematch check
    if color = 0x474A47
        Click, 889, 501 ; Rematch button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 889, 501 ; Rematch button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 889, 501 ; Rematch button
        Sleep 1000
        Click, 889, 501 ; Rematch button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 889, 501 ; Rematch button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 889, 501 ; Rematch button
    Sleep 2500
    PixelGetColor, color, 911, 578, RGB ; Match info check
    if color = 0x4E4E25
        Click, 870, 644 ; Confirm button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 870, 644 ; Confirm button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 870, 644 ; Confirm button
        Sleep 1000
        Click, 870, 644 ; Confirm button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 870, 644 ; Confirm button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 870, 644 ; Confirm button
    Sleep 2500
    PixelGetColor, color, 1052, 387, RGB ; Deck screen check
    if color = 0xFEEED9
        Click, 967, 377 ; First deck selected
        Sleep 1
        Click, 967, 377 ; First deck selected
        Sleep 1
        Click, 967, 377 ; First deck selected
        Sleep 1000
        Click, 967, 377 ; First deck selected
        Sleep 1
        Click, 967, 377 ; First deck selected
        Sleep 1
        Click, 967, 377 ; First deck selected
  • Fixed camera spinning issue by adding multiple clicks at certain points
  • Removed the use of numpad 0 to restart a match, now checks RGB values to ensure the right menu is up before clicking
  • Fixed an issue with cards not being picked up before the placement occurred (biggest culprit of script breaks alongside the camera)
  • Changed the way Yshtola's turn plays out, increases winning rate slightly
  • Removed the use of numpad 0 from Papalymo's turn, speeds up the game and won't break the script if your mouse moves
  • Tweaked sleep timers to maximise MGP, you can lower them some more if you have low latency
(04-23-2015, 12:14 PM)Likoska Wrote:  I have decided to modify ratdo's script (thanks to him and brooklynbase) slightly, namely to fix the issue with the camera spinning out and breaking the script. I have tested this for 30 hours straight with no glaring issues. Changes below if you care about that stuff.

Download link: Here

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
WinGet, programid, List, FINAL FANTASY

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen

;        Please read!
;        When you modify the script for you setup, be sure
;        to leave the "RGB" at the end of the PixelGetColor
;        as well as the "0x" before the RGB values
;        AHK uses BGR by default, but the Window Spy gives RGB values, so I made it easier to use
;        I used and modified brooklynbase's script, so huge thanks to him
;        Feedback would be appreciated @ (script's posted on page 13)
;        Deck is: Alphinaud, Urianger, Thancred, Y'shtola, Papalymo
;        -ratdo

; Win Z to Start

; Create Window Tool Tip to show # of Games
        sleep 2000
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 2000
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 2000
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 2000
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 2500
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 2000
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 2000
    ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
Sleep 10500

; Game started, Alphinaud    

    Sleep 2500
    PixelGetColor, color, 1115, 657, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty bottom right
    if color = 0xC8C9C1
        Click, 484, 526 ; Pick up Alphinaud
        Sleep 1
        Click, 484, 526 ; Pick up Alphinaud
        Sleep 1
        Click, 1115, 657 ; Drop Alphinaud bottom right
        PixelGetColor, color, 980, 658, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle bottom
        if color = 0xDEDFD6
            Click, 484, 526 ; Pick up Alphinaud
            Sleep 1
            Click, 484, 526 ; Pick up Alphinaud
            Sleep 1
            Click, 980, 658 ; Drop Alphinaud middle bottom
            Click, 484, 526 ; Pick up Alphinaud
            Sleep 1
            Click, 484, 526 ; Pick up Alphinaud
            Sleep 1
            Click, 844, 658 ; Drop Alphinaud bottom left
Sleep 5500 ; Imperial turn

; Our turn, Urianger

    Sleep 2500
    PixelGetColor, color, 980, 523, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle
    if color = 0xB9B8AD
        Click, 598, 521 ; Pick up Urianger
        Sleep 1
        Click, 598, 521 ; Pick up Urianger
        Sleep 1
        Click, 980, 523 ; Drop Urianger middle
        PixelGetColor, color, 1117, 521, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle right
        if color = 0xD6D6CB
            Click, 598, 521 ; Pick up Urianger
            Sleep 1
            Click, 598, 521 ; Pick up Urianger
            Sleep 1
            Click, 1117, 521 ; Drop Urianger middle right
            Click, 598, 521 ; Pick up Urianger
            Sleep 1
            Click, 598, 521 ; Pick up Urianger
            Sleep 1
            Click, 980, 658 ; Drop Urianger middle bottom
Sleep 6000 ; Imperial turn

; Our turn, Thancred

    Sleep 2500
    PixelGetColor, color, 1115, 387, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty top right
    if color = 0xB9B8AD
        Click, 703, 524 ; Pick up Thancred
        Sleep 1
        Click, 703, 524 ; Pick up Thancred
        Sleep 1
        Click, 1115, 387 ; Drop Thancred top right
        PixelGetColor, color, 978, 385, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty top middle
        if color = 0xD6D6CB
            Click, 703, 524 ; Pick up Thancred
            Sleep 1
            Click, 703, 524 ; Pick up Thancred
            Sleep 1
            Click, 978, 385 ; Drop Thancred top middle        
            Click, 703, 524 ; Pick up Thancred
            Sleep 1
            Click, 703, 524 ; Pick up Thancred
            Sleep 1
            Click, 843, 385 ; Drop Thancred top left
Sleep 5500 ; Imperial turn

; Our turn, Yshtola
    Sleep 2500
    PixelGetColor, color, 980, 658, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle bottom
    if color = 0xDEDFD6
        Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
        Sleep 1
        Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
        Sleep 1
        Click, 980, 658 ; Drop Yshtola middle bottom
        PixelGetColor, color, 844, 659, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty bottom left
        if color = 0xB9B8AD
            Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
            Sleep 1
            Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
            Sleep 1
            Click, 844, 659 ; Drop Yshtola bottom left
            PixelGetColor, color, 845, 521, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle left
            if color = 0xD6D6CB
                Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
                Sleep 1
                Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
                Sleep 1
                Click, 845, 521 ; Drop Yshtola middle left        
                Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
                Sleep 1
                Click, 537, 659 ; Pick up Yshtola
                Sleep 1
                Click, 845, 385 ; Drop Yshtola top left
Sleep 8500 ; Imperial turn

; If Imperial played first, we won't be playing Papalymo, we will set up next game
; Else we will play our last Papalymo card
; Here I used the timer bar in our side to know if we have to play or not, the color & coords are from around 30% of the bar (If it's yellow/green, then we can play, so we play. If not, we don't play)

    PixelGetColor, color, 641, 619, RGB
    if color = 0x3A5A7A
        PixelGetColor, color, 844, 659, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty bottom left
        if color = 0xB9B8AD
            Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
            Sleep 1
            Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
            Sleep 1
            Click, 844, 659 ; Drop Papalymo bottom left
            Sleep 6000
            PixelGetColor, color, 845, 521, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle left
            if color = 0xD6D6CB
                Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                Sleep 1
                Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                Sleep 1
                Click, 845, 521 ; Drop Papalymo middle left
                Sleep 6000        
                PixelGetColor, color, 978, 385, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty top middle
                if color = 0xD6D6CB
                    Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                    Sleep 1
                    Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                    Sleep 1
                    Click, 978, 385 ; Drop Papalymo top middle
                    Sleep 6000        
                    PixelGetColor, color, 1117, 521, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle right
                    if color = 0xD6D6CB
                        Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                        Sleep 1
                        Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                        Sleep 1
                        Click, 1117, 521 ; Drop Papalymo middle right
                        Sleep 6000
                        Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                        Sleep 1
                        Click, 625, 676 ; Pick up Papalymo
                        Sleep 1
                        Click, 845, 385 ; Drop Papalymo top left
                        Sleep 6000
        Sleep 1
    PixelGetColor, color, 835, 289, RGB ; Rematch check
    if color = 0x474A47
        Click, 889, 501 ; Rematch button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 889, 501 ; Rematch button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 889, 501 ; Rematch button
        Sleep 1000
        Click, 889, 501 ; Rematch button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 889, 501 ; Rematch button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 889, 501 ; Rematch button
    Sleep 2500
    PixelGetColor, color, 911, 578, RGB ; Match info check
    if color = 0x4E4E25
        Click, 870, 644 ; Confirm button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 870, 644 ; Confirm button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 870, 644 ; Confirm button
        Sleep 1000
        Click, 870, 644 ; Confirm button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 870, 644 ; Confirm button
        Sleep 1
        Click, 870, 644 ; Confirm button
    Sleep 2500
    PixelGetColor, color, 1052, 387, RGB ; Deck screen check
    if color = 0xFEEED9
        Click, 967, 377 ; First deck selected
        Sleep 1
        Click, 967, 377 ; First deck selected
        Sleep 1
        Click, 967, 377 ; First deck selected
        Sleep 1000
        Click, 967, 377 ; First deck selected
        Sleep 1
        Click, 967, 377 ; First deck selected
        Sleep 1
        Click, 967, 377 ; First deck selected
  • Fixed camera spinning issue by adding multiple clicks at certain points
  • Removed the use of numpad 0 to restart a match, now checks RGB values to ensure the right menu is up before clicking
  • Fixed an issue with cards not being picked up before the placement occurred (biggest culprit of script breaks alongside the camera)
  • Changed the way Yshtola's turn plays out, increases winning rate slightly
  • Removed the use of numpad 0 from Papalymo's turn, speeds up the game and won't break the script if your mouse moves
  • Tweaked sleep timers to maximise MGP, you can lower them some more if you have low latency

Thank you very much for this, also thank you to all others providing data !

Just a short question, if i use the same resolution as you do, do i understand it correctly that i do not need to change anything at all? If so, what is your resolution ? :):)

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