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Crystal/Shard skills such as Menphina's ward not working
I'm experiencing a problem where the crystal/shard skills such as Menphina's ward does not work even when correctly assigned in a skill profile. I've had this problem before, and usually relaunching the game and reattaching the bot fixes it, but that doesn't seem to be working.

Even if I create a new skill profile and only add the 1 skill and start gathering the correct shard type, the skill isn't going off. Any ideas?
you have target = player set in the target section of the profile?
I don't see a target section. Could you possibly post a screenshot of what you're referring to?
There's not a target section on gathering skills. Can you screenshot what your setup of the Ward skills looks like?
[Image: 4nEK7BI.png]

First picture is what I normally use which is simply just the crystal type specific skill profile with the 1 appropriate skill added with no other modifications.

The second picture is a skill profile that I downloaded and tried to use to see if I could fix the problem.

In both cases, the skill would never be used when I was gathering ice shards.

This isn't the first time I've had this problem. But in previous cases, either reloading the lua modules or relaunching the game would fix the problem and it would start using the skill again. This time, neither has helped.
Also, the problem is not specific to the ward (crystal) buffs. The generic yield+ buffs such as king's yield does not work either. The problem comes and goes, and I'd really like to find out why.. x.x
take a picture of the acutall skill set up. the conditions.
(04-19-2015, 02:52 AM)Cichard Wrote:  take a picture of the acutall skill set up. the conditions.

isn't that what i did?

anyhow, i just relaunched the game and reattached the bot, and now the skill works again. i think we can safely assume that my setup is not the problem here. it's that after a certain while of being logged in, for whatever reason, the skills don't work like they're supposed to. due to the intermittent nature of my problem, i understand how it's hard to resolve the issue. i guess i was mainly trying to see if anyone else had experienced the issue before to see if this is just me or not.
The only time I've ever heard of this happening was when somebody was using a class and didn't actually activate the ward skills from their secondary class and add them to the hotbar.
Other than that it doesn't really make any sense, and I know that quite a lot of people use shards/crystals as income, and my profile has pretty much the same setup.
Minion, try to put gather attempts > 3.

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