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So today I was fate grinding and used teleport + paranoid, someone whispered me that he saw how i teleported in the middle of a fate and he said he will report me.

So in case he did it really how should I react now, i know that botting in general is a risk but I would like to know anyway.

Will SE care if just one person reported me?

Thanks for any answer
Nope they wont give a flying fuck If only one person reported you.

I used to PvP. A lot. I would report wolves den bots on a per match basis. With detailed information, as much as I could think to add. I would also get the bots stuck on pillars for minutes at a time and literally mark down the duration of his pillar makeout session. I would write down the exact shitty rotation the bots used. I never once saw a ban go out before the completion of rank 30. One of the guys was a troll and even botted without a shirt on and made youtube videos of him stomping people when he was actually manning the helm (his youtube video actually had captions of people calling him a bot, it was soley ment to piss people off).

inb4someone makes a comment about me reporting bot users. Its one thing to bot pve were people dont get directly affected. Its a totally other ballpark to bot PvP when theres only like 20-30 active players at any given time and due to a lack of tank que's every match has a god damn bot effectively ruining wolves den for the entire duration of someone hitting rank 30 ( a week plus). If you're fucking over 7 people who were in Q for 20 minutes for a week strait, you sir are an asshole. get gud and 8 man it
i wouldnt turn on teleport, like yeah it wont teleport away with paranoid but there is no way to control where it lands if its out side of the minimap range. you could possibly teleport land in the middle of 30 people waiting for more people to show up for the fate.
If they were using minion's PVP bot for Wolves' Den, they would be doing you a favor, because they'd be carrying the damn team.

Source: 4x Rank45 PVP bots, am badass, 0 matches played manually.
This is directed at Ace and since it's on the current topic I'll ask. Is it possible to Wolves' Den with 4 players or would I need 8 to rank up faster than doing Slaughter?
Depends on your data center. I heard myths of Wolves den Q's popping on other data centers, if you are on aether you wont find games with a party of 4
best bet is to team up with someone if you dont have 8 bots. and pick a language if your on the same data center.
Okay, thanks gentlemen.
Depends on the server as well

I've seen bots fate grinding with afk sign turned on and ppl reporting but they were still around on another server seen ppl reporting again afk bots farming shards or whatever and next day gone

A matter of whether SE got the time to follow the report up or whether the bots actually belongs to the GMs lmao
I've woken up to a navmesh problem with my character jumping endlessly a few times during my 24/7 fate grinding and i'm still good. Now I have been 24/7 farm sharding. Feelsgoodman

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