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Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Gathering Unspoiled Nodes"
Well i've found some tips this night.

I was a bit upset with this bug. So I delete all the bot files then instal a new one.

I create my marker in the Navmesh and not with the marker manager and now they work perfectly. Same for the number slot i only put the name and its ok it takes what I want.

But there is still a bug. When I put something as Idle. The bot goes there and stop. So i dont put an idle marker and it works fine
(04-30-2015, 02:54 PM)mymoose Wrote:  First off – loving this bot! The problem = I’m a huge newb with this kind of thing. So far I’ve just been doing FATE grinding and basic gathering which has worked flawlessly. I’m trying this unspoiled gathering now and for several days of looking through this and other threads ... I’m stuck.

I got the bot moving at least with the files from Saik’s thread, but really it still wasn’t working as intended:

I’m missing something simple I’m sure. So my questions:

1. Are the files from the Saik’s link still viable? I imported them 2 days ago, but now they are no longer on the bot and I can’t re-import them.
1B. Are they needed? Ie. Has that info already been incorporated into the initial download of the bot – kind of like zone meshes are now versus a year or two ago?
2. Start Location – no options available. Typical causes are what?

The answers are probably already out there, so links for answers are fine. Really anything that bumps me in the right direction at this point. Thanks

1. I am using Saik's profiles and markers and have no issue with them.
1B. Yes, they are needed if you dont plan on making your own.
2. You have to create a location first before you can set a start location, although if you have Saik's locations already imported then it shouldn't be blank.

Does your minion look like mine below?

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
I'll come back and say this for the sakes of everyone else that posts needlessly like I did.

I was eventually able to figure out my problems independently with a few days time. It was very frustrating, but eventually the initial post / guide made sense. You just have to experiment. I'm kind of glad moderators didn't respond to my earlier posts.

That being said ... I still think a video tutorial like the crafting ones is a great idea and would solve many newb questions with this unspoiled feature. Might lessen the learning curve. Something to consider.
Thanks for the link Sebbs – the videos really validate the write-ups.

It’s weird though, when I finish making my gathering markers, I cannot go back to the Locations and change the Class (from Miner to Botanist) or the new Marker Name. It just lets me name it, and pick the time. BUT after I add the new location without that info I am able to go into the new marker and change these two features. Everything is working well, but it’s not working the same for me as the video. Any ideas anyone?

Also a few markers are not working for me. I am unable to gather Ferberite no matter where I put the marker (the bot takes me to the marker on time but won’t engage any nodes), and I am unable to gather the Antumbral Rock when it is up on the hill – again no matter where I put the marker. 2 out of 3 is better than nothing, but it would be nice to know why this is happening.

Any ideas to the whys for these would be greatly appreciated, but are only minor annoyances really. Thanks for the support so far! Loving this bot and its plethora of features!
(05-12-2015, 06:33 PM)mymoose Wrote:  Thanks for the link Sebbs – the videos really validate the write-ups.

It’s weird though, when I finish making my gathering markers, I cannot go back to the Locations and change the Class (from Miner to Botanist) or the new Marker Name. It just lets me name it, and pick the time. BUT after I add the new location without that info I am able to go into the new marker and change these two features. Everything is working well, but it’s not working the same for me as the video. Any ideas anyone?

Also a few markers are not working for me. I am unable to gather Ferberite no matter where I put the marker (the bot takes me to the marker on time but won’t engage any nodes), and I am unable to gather the Antumbral Rock when it is up on the hill – again no matter where I put the marker. 2 out of 3 is better than nothing, but it would be nice to know why this is happening.

Any ideas to the whys for these would be greatly appreciated, but are only minor annoyances really. Thanks for the support so far! Loving this bot and its plethora of features!

I had this issue before and it was because I was using the item name instead of the slot number for "Item Priority" in the marker.
(05-12-2015, 06:33 PM)mymoose Wrote:  Thanks for the link Sebbs – the videos really validate the write-ups.

It’s weird though, when I finish making my gathering markers, I cannot go back to the Locations and change the Class (from Miner to Botanist) or the new Marker Name. It just lets me name it, and pick the time. BUT after I add the new location without that info I am able to go into the new marker and change these two features. Everything is working well, but it’s not working the same for me as the video. Any ideas anyone?

Also a few markers are not working for me. I am unable to gather Ferberite no matter where I put the marker (the bot takes me to the marker on time but won’t engage any nodes), and I am unable to gather the Antumbral Rock when it is up on the hill – again no matter where I put the marker. 2 out of 3 is better than nothing, but it would be nice to know why this is happening.

Any ideas to the whys for these would be greatly appreciated, but are only minor annoyances really. Thanks for the support so far! Loving this bot and its plethora of features!

Check the mesh and make sure the last node is inside the mesh area.
Thanks for all the tips and guidance. I think I have things pretty well figured for now. Really it just takes some trial and error (which I hate - no patience here).

I'll tell you my most embarrassing error that stumped me for quite a while. I keep the bot menu next to my skill bars on the bottom of the FFXIV window. When I was trying to choose Starting Point, Gathering type, and Marker occasionally the options looked empty. Really they were just showing up off screen. So nothing wrong with the bot - just the user. As I said before ... sometimes it just takes some experience using the bot to figure things out.


PS - I do have a question / suggestion though. Sometime it's tricky placing a marker so it catches all the possible node sites. Is it possible to link two Markers so that both are checked (if so how)? Currently my character just sits in the area until the node disappears if it is out of range.

ie. I know I can tweek the marker, but is there another option or way around this maybe?
Ok I to luv the bot greatly as helps me to reduce the time I have to spend farming certain things.... That being said I know I saw it somewhere I belive but cant seem to find now... How do I save my unspoiled locations list not the markers themselves, but the locations the list we create with times and gear set number. My problem is once in a blue mooon if I am creating markers and hit reload so that everything takes effect for some reason resets my location list. wasnt so bad when was doing trial en errors with maybe 5-6 unspoiled locations. But after several days and hrs of getting it working right and having the list grow to 15+ locations kinda gives u a heart atk when everything resets.... I had to pray to the minion gods that after exiting the game few times and loading minion few times they finally showed back up... I tried doing export /import and that just gave me an error... is the a file or grp of files I can copy and replace if the disappear again?
Thank you for any help

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