(Updated for french version 1.9 and 2.0.13 MAHA)
(Gridania / thanalan / Limsa / Coerthas 3.0 included)
Coerthas not finish because actually, i dont have finish my main quest.
I try to add all wind spot with position
can we explain how rebuild your grp.lua in teleporter inside minion plz. ( for make an update teleporter inside minion)
like that's because when i want to it, its dont work... :(
GRP for help me to convert inside teleporter (inside minion) :
(Gridania / thanalan / Limsa / Coerthas 3.0 included)
Coerthas not finish because actually, i dont have finish my main quest.
I try to add all wind spot with position
can we explain how rebuild your grp.lua in teleporter inside minion plz. ( for make an update teleporter inside minion)
like that's because when i want to it, its dont work... :(
GRP for help me to convert inside teleporter (inside minion) :