06-29-2015, 01:09 PM
(06-28-2015, 04:28 PM)matthew2371 Wrote: Ok guys,you have windows defender? are you running windows 7?
I've been trying to avoid making a new thread, because a puppy will die if i do. BUT I AM completely lost here.
I installed the new app
I have uninstalled all AV software, and i mean everything, i'm running windows defender and thats it.
I have turned off my firewall even.
I have installed EVERY SINGLE F-ING thing from the guide (had it all anyway, but triple triple checked)
Problem: Manually log into the game, because i have a token
Attach bot: 1-3min later, FFXIV closes. No error message on 14, nothing, just closes.
Error message on minion is "unknown error (query/failed) unknown error"
I have uninstalled nvda experience, uninstalled mumble, teamspeak, and just about everything else i have.
I am at a loss. It attaches, just fine, sprint, click to tele, everything works, then it just shuts 14 after about 3min tops.
I am at the point where i'm willing to fukng pay someone to screenshare and help me with this.
I have minion keys, so someone suggested deleting the files that would have been attached to a diff account. I have done that as well, and nothing is working.