07-30-2015, 07:40 PM
FYI this line doesn't work:
dbg("teleporting player to aetherite ".. aethid ..", mesh: ("..location.mesh..")")
getting an error about location is nil
works fine with just:
local mapid,aethid = GetAetheryteByMapID(LedgendaryFishing.Locations[targetLocation].mapId,LedgendaryFishing.Locations[targetLocation].pos)
I assume the dbg line is supposed to write that text to the console.
dbg("teleporting player to aetherite ".. aethid ..", mesh: ("..location.mesh..")")
getting an error about location is nil
works fine with just:
local mapid,aethid = GetAetheryteByMapID(LedgendaryFishing.Locations[targetLocation].mapId,LedgendaryFishing.Locations[targetLocation].pos)
I assume the dbg line is supposed to write that text to the console.