Duality is used for sure. I am 100% sure its working.
Might be a timing issue:
Dancing Edge refresh? Mutilate refresh? Shadow Fang refresh?
@Ravana these cases will come up many times (because of unattackable ravana) and so the bot wont use duality even though its rdy.
If you feel you have to use Duality right in "THIS" moment - just activate on your own. Also try @Dummy please and let me know if you dont get Duality usages there as well.
Might be a timing issue:
Dancing Edge refresh? Mutilate refresh? Shadow Fang refresh?
@Ravana these cases will come up many times (because of unattackable ravana) and so the bot wont use duality even though its rdy.
If you feel you have to use Duality right in "THIS" moment - just activate on your own. Also try @Dummy please and let me know if you dont get Duality usages there as well.