10-13-2015, 11:47 PM
i can't make this pluggin to work, it's marked on the first post totally automated, but i never succed in making this plugin to work, each time i try, the bot do nothing
just tested to catch thunderbolt Eel
i opened the pluggin
selected thunderbolt eel in - fish by name
and enabled the the legendary fisher
it opened the fish module windows
and do nothing nothing happend, the fish module was not "enable" by default after i enabled legendary fisher, so i enabled fish module manually, and nothing happened
bot dont auto move to the fish spot, so i travel to the fish spot manually
and enbaled the fish module there, and nothing happened, bot dont fish, do nothing
just tested to catch thunderbolt Eel
i opened the pluggin
selected thunderbolt eel in - fish by name
and enabled the the legendary fisher
it opened the fish module windows
and do nothing nothing happend, the fish module was not "enable" by default after i enabled legendary fisher, so i enabled fish module manually, and nothing happened
bot dont auto move to the fish spot, so i travel to the fish spot manually
and enbaled the fish module there, and nothing happened, bot dont fish, do nothing