(10-24-2015, 12:26 PM)brocklesnar Wrote: This is an issue, when you use desynth module it works great however:
When you turn the module off, the confirmation on desynth stays active, found this out when i wanted to see how the desynth stat was like on a random HQ item i wanted to sell and upon selecting desynth from the ingame menu it did desynthed instantly, instead of showing the confirmation window if i wanted to desynth so lost 175k gil no big deal as can be made back but worth the mention.
I actually found this issue last night, sorry about that.
(10-24-2015, 03:06 PM)zeleniy Wrote: Nice job.
Also, did you consider adding Aetherial Reduction for items? I've been catching a lot of Pteranadon and they fill up inventory fast.
I don't know what aetherial reduction is, but it would probably have to be added to our API before I could add it.