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Collectible Profiles?
I'm using this Botanist gather profile

ChysahlGreens.lua > MinionAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods\ffxivminion\GatherProfiles
local obj1 = {
    ["setup"] = {
        ["gearsetmining"] = 15;
        ["gearsetbotany"] = 6;
    ["tasks"] = {
        [1] = {
            ["minlevel"] = 60;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["mapid"] = 397;
            ["pos"] = {
                ["x"] = -693;
                ["y"] = 99;
                ["z"] = -589;
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["whitelist"] = "8";
            ["gathergardening"] = false;
            ["item1"] = "Chysahl Greens";    
            ["skillprofile"] = "BotanistRedScripts";
            ["radius"] = 75;
            ["highpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["gathergardening"] = false;
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 9;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 11;
            ["dangerousarea"] = true;
            ["unspoiled"] = true;            
        [2] = {
            ["minlevel"] = 60;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["mapid"] = 397;
            ["pos"] = {
                ["x"] = -693;
                ["y"] = 99;
                ["z"] = -589;
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["whitelist"] = "8";
            ["gathergardening"] = false;
            ["item1"] = "Chysahl Greens";    
            ["skillprofile"] = "BotanistRedScripts";
            ["radius"] = 75;
            ["highpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["gathergardening"] = false;
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 21;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 23;
            ["dangerousarea"] = true;
            ["unspoiled"] = true;            
return obj1

with this gathering skillmanager rotation

BotanistRedScripts.lua > MinionAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods\ffxivminion\SkillManagerProfiles
-- Persistent Data
local multiRefObjects = {

} -- multiRefObjects
local obj1 = {
    ["skills"] = {
        [1] = {
            ["alias"] = "";
            ["chainend"] = "0";
            ["chainname"] = "";
            ["chainstart"] = "0";
            ["charge"] = "0";
            ["collraritylt"] = 0;
            ["collrarityltpct"] = 0;
            ["collwearlt"] = 0;
            ["collwearltpct"] = 0;
            ["combat"] = "In Combat";
            ["comboskill"] = "Auto";
            ["condition"] = "NotUsed";
            ["cpbuff"] = "";
            ["cpmax"] = 0;
            ["cpmin"] = 0;
            ["cpnbuff"] = "";
            ["dobuff"] = "0";
            ["doprev"] = "0";
            ["durabmax"] = 0;
            ["durabmin"] = 0;
            ["enmityaoe"] = "0";
            ["filterfive"] = "Ignore";
            ["filterfour"] = "Ignore";
            ["filterone"] = "Ignore";
            ["filterthree"] = "Ignore";
            ["filtertwo"] = "Ignore";
            ["frontalconeaoe"] = "0";
            ["gatherattempts"] = 0;
            ["gatherattemptsmax"] = 0;
            ["gcd"] = "Auto";
            ["gcdtime"] = 0.5;
            ["gcdtimelt"] = 2.5;
            ["gpbuff"] = "";
            ["gpmax"] = 0;
            ["gpmin"] = 0;
            ["gpnbuff"] = "805";
            ["gsecspassed"] = 0;
            ["hasitem"] = "";
            ["hprio1"] = "None";
            ["hprio2"] = "None";
            ["hprio3"] = "None";
            ["hprio4"] = "None";
            ["hpriohp"] = 0;
            ["htsucceed"] = 0;
            ["id"] = 4088;
            ["ignoremoving"] = "0";
            ["iqstack"] = 0;
            ["isunspoiled"] = "1";
            ["itemchancemax"] = 0;
            ["itemhqchancemin"] = 0;
            ["lastcast"] = 0;
            ["levelmax"] = 0;
            ["levelmin"] = 0;
            ["manipmax"] = 0;
            ["maxRange"] = 24;
            ["minRange"] = 0;
            ["name"] = "Collector's Glove";
            ["ncurrentaction"] = "";
            ["npc"] = "0";
            ["npcskill"] = "";
            ["npgskill"] = "";
            ["npskill"] = "";
            ["onlyparty"] = "0";
            ["onlysolo"] = "0";
            ["partysizelt"] = "0";
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            ["petbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["petnbuff"] = "";
            ["petnbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["pgskill"] = "";
            ["pgtrg"] = "Direct";
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            ["phpl"] = 0;
            ["pmppb"] = 0;
            ["pmppl"] = 0;
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            ["ppowl"] = 0;
            ["prio"] = 1;
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            ["progrmin"] = 0;
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            ["pskillg"] = "";
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            ["pthpl"] = 0;
            ["ptkbuff"] = "0";
            ["ptmpb"] = 0;
            ["ptmpl"] = 0;
            ["ptnbuff"] = "";
            ["ptpb"] = 0;
            ["ptpl"] = 0;
            ["ptrg"] = "Any";
            ["pttpb"] = 0;
            ["pttpl"] = 0;
            ["punderattack"] = "0";
            ["punderattackmelee"] = "0";
            ["pvepvp"] = "Both";
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            ["qualitymaxper"] = 0;
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            ["qualityminper"] = 0;
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            ["secspassed"] = 0;
            ["shstackmin"] = 0;
            ["singleuseonly"] = "1";
            ["skncdtimemax"] = "";
            ["skncdtimemin"] = "";
            ["sknoffcd"] = "";
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            ["skoffcd"] = "";
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            ["sktype"] = "Action";
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            ["tcontids"] = "";
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            ["thpcl"] = 0;
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            ["tmpl"] = 0;
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            ["tnbuffowner"] = "Player";
            ["tncontids"] = "";
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            ["totmin"] = 0;
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            ["type"] = 1;
            ["used"] = "1";
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        [2] = {
            ["alias"] = "";
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            ["chainname"] = "";
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            ["collwearlt"] = 29;
            ["collwearltpct"] = 0;
            ["combat"] = "In Combat";
            ["comboskill"] = "Auto";
            ["condition"] = "NotUsed";
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            ["cpmin"] = 0;
            ["cpnbuff"] = "";
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            ["doprev"] = "0";
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            ["durabmin"] = 0;
            ["enmityaoe"] = "0";
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            ["filterfour"] = "Ignore";
            ["filterone"] = "Ignore";
            ["filterthree"] = "Ignore";
            ["filtertwo"] = "Ignore";
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            ["gatherattempts"] = 0;
            ["gatherattemptsmax"] = 0;
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            ["gcdtime"] = 0.5;
            ["gcdtimelt"] = 2.5;
            ["gpbuff"] = "";
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            ["gpmin"] = 0;
            ["gpnbuff"] = "757";
            ["gsecspassed"] = 0;
            ["hasitem"] = "";
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            ["hprio2"] = "None";
            ["hprio3"] = "None";
            ["hprio4"] = "None";
            ["hpriohp"] = 0;
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            ["id"] = 4092;
            ["ignoremoving"] = "0";
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            ["isunspoiled"] = "1";
            ["itemchancemax"] = 0;
            ["itemhqchancemin"] = 0;
            ["lastcast"] = 0;
            ["levelmax"] = 0;
            ["levelmin"] = 0;
            ["manipmax"] = 0;
            ["maxRange"] = 24;
            ["minRange"] = 0;
            ["name"] = "Discerning Eye";
            ["ncurrentaction"] = "";
            ["npc"] = "0";
            ["npcskill"] = "";
            ["npgskill"] = "";
            ["npskill"] = "";
            ["onlyparty"] = "0";
            ["onlysolo"] = "0";
            ["partysizelt"] = "0";
            ["pbuff"] = "";
            ["pbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["pcskill"] = "";
            ["petbuff"] = "";
            ["petbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["petnbuff"] = "";
            ["petnbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["pgskill"] = "";
            ["pgtrg"] = "Direct";
            ["phpb"] = 0;
            ["phpl"] = 0;
            ["pmppb"] = 0;
            ["pmppl"] = 0;
            ["pnbuff"] = "";
            ["pnbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["ppos"] = "None";
            ["ppowb"] = 0;
            ["ppowl"] = 0;
            ["prio"] = 2;
            ["progrmax"] = 0;
            ["progrmin"] = 0;
            ["pskill"] = "";
            ["pskillg"] = "";
            ["ptbuff"] = "";
            ["ptcount"] = 0;
            ["pthpb"] = 0;
            ["pthpl"] = 0;
            ["ptkbuff"] = "0";
            ["ptmpb"] = 0;
            ["ptmpl"] = 0;
            ["ptnbuff"] = "";
            ["ptpb"] = 0;
            ["ptpl"] = 0;
            ["ptrg"] = "Any";
            ["pttpb"] = 0;
            ["pttpl"] = 0;
            ["punderattack"] = "0";
            ["punderattackmelee"] = "0";
            ["pvepvp"] = "Both";
            ["qualitymax"] = 0;
            ["qualitymaxper"] = 0;
            ["qualitymin"] = 0;
            ["qualityminper"] = 0;
            ["removebuff"] = "0";
            ["secspassed"] = 0;
            ["shstackmin"] = 0;
            ["singleuseonly"] = "0";
            ["skncdtimemax"] = "";
            ["skncdtimemin"] = "";
            ["sknoffcd"] = "";
            ["sknready"] = "";
            ["skoffcd"] = "";
            ["skready"] = "";
            ["sktype"] = "Action";
            ["stepmax"] = 0;
            ["stepmin"] = 0;
            ["stype"] = "Action";
            ["tacount"] = 0;
            ["tahpl"] = 0;
            ["tankedonlyaoe"] = "0";
            ["tarange"] = 0;
            ["tbuff"] = "";
            ["tbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["tbuffowner"] = "Player";
            ["tcastids"] = "";
            ["tcastonme"] = "0";
            ["tcasttime"] = "0.0";
            ["tcontids"] = "";
            ["tecenter"] = "Auto";
            ["tecount"] = 0;
            ["tecount2"] = 0;
            ["tehpavggt"] = 0;
            ["televel"] = "Any";
            ["terange"] = 0;
            ["thpadv"] = 0;
            ["thpb"] = 0;
            ["thpcb"] = 0;
            ["thpcl"] = 0;
            ["thpl"] = 0;
            ["tmpl"] = 0;
            ["tnbuff"] = "";
            ["tnbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["tnbuffowner"] = "Player";
            ["tncontids"] = "";
            ["totmax"] = 0;
            ["totmin"] = 0;
            ["trg"] = "Target";
            ["trgtype"] = "Any";
            ["ttpl"] = 0;
            ["type"] = 1;
            ["used"] = "1";
            ["whstack"] = "";
            ["whstackmin"] = 0;
        [3] = {
            ["alias"] = "";
            ["chainend"] = "0";
            ["chainname"] = "";
            ["chainstart"] = "0";
            ["charge"] = "0";
            ["collraritylt"] = 0;
            ["collrarityltpct"] = 0;
            ["collwearlt"] = 29;
            ["collwearltpct"] = 0;
            ["combat"] = "In Combat";
            ["comboskill"] = "Auto";
            ["condition"] = "NotUsed";
            ["cpbuff"] = "";
            ["cpmax"] = 0;
            ["cpmin"] = 0;
            ["cpnbuff"] = "";
            ["dobuff"] = "0";
            ["doprev"] = "0";
            ["durabmax"] = 0;
            ["durabmin"] = 0;
            ["enmityaoe"] = "0";
            ["filterfive"] = "Ignore";
            ["filterfour"] = "Ignore";
            ["filterone"] = "Ignore";
            ["filterthree"] = "Ignore";
            ["filtertwo"] = "Ignore";
            ["frontalconeaoe"] = "0";
            ["gatherattempts"] = 0;
            ["gatherattemptsmax"] = 0;
            ["gcd"] = "Auto";
            ["gcdtime"] = 0.5;
            ["gcdtimelt"] = 2.5;
            ["gpbuff"] = "757";
            ["gpmax"] = 0;
            ["gpmin"] = 0;
            ["gpnbuff"] = "";
            ["gsecspassed"] = 0;
            ["hasitem"] = "";
            ["hprio1"] = "None";
            ["hprio2"] = "None";
            ["hprio3"] = "None";
            ["hprio4"] = "None";
            ["hpriohp"] = 0;
            ["htsucceed"] = 0;
            ["id"] = 4089;
            ["ignoremoving"] = "0";
            ["iqstack"] = 0;
            ["isunspoiled"] = "1";
            ["itemchancemax"] = 0;
            ["itemhqchancemin"] = 0;
            ["lastcast"] = 0;
            ["levelmax"] = 0;
            ["levelmin"] = 0;
            ["manipmax"] = 0;
            ["maxRange"] = 24;
            ["minRange"] = 0;
            ["name"] = "Methodical Appraisal";
            ["ncurrentaction"] = "";
            ["npc"] = "0";
            ["npcskill"] = "";
            ["npgskill"] = "";
            ["npskill"] = "";
            ["onlyparty"] = "0";
            ["onlysolo"] = "0";
            ["partysizelt"] = "0";
            ["pbuff"] = "";
            ["pbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["pcskill"] = "";
            ["petbuff"] = "";
            ["petbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["petnbuff"] = "";
            ["petnbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["pgskill"] = "";
            ["pgtrg"] = "Direct";
            ["phpb"] = 0;
            ["phpl"] = 0;
            ["pmppb"] = 0;
            ["pmppl"] = 0;
            ["pnbuff"] = "";
            ["pnbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["ppos"] = "None";
            ["ppowb"] = 0;
            ["ppowl"] = 0;
            ["prio"] = 3;
            ["progrmax"] = 0;
            ["progrmin"] = 0;
            ["pskill"] = "";
            ["pskillg"] = "";
            ["ptbuff"] = "";
            ["ptcount"] = 0;
            ["pthpb"] = 0;
            ["pthpl"] = 0;
            ["ptkbuff"] = "0";
            ["ptmpb"] = 0;
            ["ptmpl"] = 0;
            ["ptnbuff"] = "";
            ["ptpb"] = 0;
            ["ptpl"] = 0;
            ["ptrg"] = "Any";
            ["pttpb"] = 0;
            ["pttpl"] = 0;
            ["punderattack"] = "0";
            ["punderattackmelee"] = "0";
            ["pvepvp"] = "Both";
            ["qualitymax"] = 0;
            ["qualitymaxper"] = 0;
            ["qualitymin"] = 0;
            ["qualityminper"] = 0;
            ["removebuff"] = "0";
            ["secspassed"] = 0;
            ["shstackmin"] = 0;
            ["singleuseonly"] = "0";
            ["skncdtimemax"] = "";
            ["skncdtimemin"] = "";
            ["sknoffcd"] = "";
            ["sknready"] = "";
            ["skoffcd"] = "";
            ["skready"] = "";
            ["sktype"] = "Action";
            ["stepmax"] = 0;
            ["stepmin"] = 0;
            ["stype"] = "Action";
            ["tacount"] = 0;
            ["tahpl"] = 0;
            ["tankedonlyaoe"] = "0";
            ["tarange"] = 0;
            ["tbuff"] = "";
            ["tbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["tbuffowner"] = "Player";
            ["tcastids"] = "";
            ["tcastonme"] = "0";
            ["tcasttime"] = "0.0";
            ["tcontids"] = "";
            ["tecenter"] = "Auto";
            ["tecount"] = 0;
            ["tecount2"] = 0;
            ["tehpavggt"] = 0;
            ["televel"] = "Any";
            ["terange"] = 0;
            ["thpadv"] = 0;
            ["thpb"] = 0;
            ["thpcb"] = 0;
            ["thpcl"] = 0;
            ["thpl"] = 0;
            ["tmpl"] = 0;
            ["tnbuff"] = "";
            ["tnbuffdura"] = 0;
            ["tnbuffowner"] = "Player";
            ["tncontids"] = "";
            ["totmax"] = 0;
            ["totmin"] = 0;
            ["trg"] = "Target";
            ["trgtype"] = "Any";
            ["ttpl"] = 0;
            ["type"] = 1;
            ["used"] = "1";
            ["whstack"] = "";
            ["whstackmin"] = 0;
    ["version"] = 2;
return obj1

It's basically 100% afk at the spot and gathers only 2 Chysahl Greens per node spawn (It only uses Discerning Eye + Methodical Appraise atm cause I'm not familiar with the skillmanager UI to get the best possible rotation)

Messages In This Thread
Collectible Profiles? - by Jessix - 08-24-2015, 09:51 PM
RE: Collectible Profiles? - by kagebane - 08-25-2015, 05:24 AM
RE: Collectible Profiles? - by Underwhelp - 08-26-2015, 06:29 PM
RE: Collectible Profiles? - by Duranage - 09-26-2015, 12:26 AM
RE: Collectible Profiles? - by Jessix - 08-28-2015, 10:07 PM
RE: Collectible Profiles? - by Jessix - 09-29-2015, 02:10 AM
RE: Collectible Profiles? - by drakaris - 10-26-2015, 11:55 AM
RE: Collectible Profiles? - by ohm - 10-31-2015, 10:05 AM
RE: Collectible Profiles? - by drakaris - 10-31-2015, 12:04 PM
RE: Collectible Profiles? - by charles18210 - 11-18-2015, 06:38 PM
RE: Collectible Profiles? - by PlicPloc - 11-22-2015, 07:43 PM

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