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Red Scrips - Collectibles - Adamantite Ore and Chysahl Greens
Ok, noticed that a few people have been asking for this so hopefully this helps out!

Adamantite Ore and Chysahl Greens (both found in slot 6) Collectibles!

  • Level 60 Miner and Botanist.
  • The skill profile I'm sharing needs 600GP.
  • I have 582 Gathering and 583 Perception. You should be able to use this with less though.
  • Go to the nodes first and "uncover"/discover the items! Sharp Vision III is your friend!
  • Once discovered remember to set the minimum collectible value up in the bot window (470 for both)

The skill profile shared uses the following rotation (which has also been frequently requested):
  • Use Discerning Eye
  • Use Impulsive appraisal (Has a 30% chance of activating Discerning eye again)
  • IF PROC Use Single Mind. IF NO PROC Use Discerning Eye
  • Impulsive appraisal
  • IF PROC Use Single Mind. IF NO PROC Use Discerning Eye
  • Use Methodical Appraisal

The skill profile can be used for both botanist and miner! Just note that before activating the bot make sure collectors glove is activated... Noticed that this doesn't always fire, so, you have been warned!

This rotation grants 2 and up to 4 collects (if you get lucky with procs) at 470+ collectibility!

Anyway onto the good stuff and if there's problems let me know so I can make updates.

Skill profile goes in: C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods\ffxivminion\SkillManagerProfiles
Gather profile goes in: C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods\ffxivminion\GatherProfiles

Change log:
2015-11-01: Removed the OMC jump from the Tupuxuara mesh. In some cases the bot will not jump causing the gathering profile to stall...
2015-11-16: I've added flight paths to the mesh zips that utilise Ace's updates. One (for Tupuxuara) I've completely stolen from Sebbs who kindly figured out a way around those invisible walls (so make sure to give him a rep, or even better go buy one of his awesome modules).
2015-11-17: Ok, so stealling sebbs flight path didn't work for the adamantite... But I think I've cracked it now!!! Good luck miners!
2015-12-18: Flying cubes have now been released and are working pretty well! I've removed the custom meshes and recommend you now switch to the default meshes that come with the bot. :)

Attached Files
.zip   Skill (Size: 809 bytes / Downloads: 1,076)
.zip   Gather (Size: 1.9 KB / Downloads: 1,107)

Messages In This Thread
Red Scrips - Collectibles - Adamantite Ore and Chysahl Greens - by ohm - 10-31-2015, 09:59 AM

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