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Bot not attach
Hi, I tried some times reinstall, I follow the tutorial for intalation, but the he works one time, so no nevermore work...
The bot send "Game stated, waiting for the bot attach", and after, send "Queued Start" and nothing happing

My OS is WIN 10, I don't have Anti-virus, anybody can help plz?

* What OS are you running?
Windows 10 Home 64-bit

* What AV is installed?(Antivirus)
Windows Defender

* Where is the bot installed?(installed path)

* Do you have any Anti-Malware installed?

* do you have Mumble, Teamspeak, Fraps, any other recording software, Nvida Gamers Experience, Raptr, Caytalist Control Center, guildworks,Teamviwer installed?
Yes, I use Teamspeak

* Did you follow the install instructions found HERE
Yes 100%

* Are you running the bot as admin?

* Are you using the attach button or having minionapp launch the client?

*Are you running any Bot addons?

Messages In This Thread
Bot not attach - by bielnick - 11-02-2015, 12:24 AM
RE: Bot not attach - by bielnick - 11-06-2015, 02:27 AM
RE: Bot not attach - by Cichard - 11-06-2015, 01:49 PM
RE: Bot not attach - by nuclear_pie - 11-06-2015, 02:25 PM
RE: Bot not attach - by bielnick - 11-06-2015, 11:33 PM
RE: Bot not attach - by nuclear_pie - 11-07-2015, 01:24 PM

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