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GSM profiles
(11-05-2015, 03:15 PM)Cichard Wrote:  there are no "class" profiles for crafting. just skill profiles and then you can create a crafting profile with the in game ui. the skill profiles are used based on durablitly not class. I have 2 leveling profiles one for 40 durabliity and one for 70/80 dura. i can use it on every class.

this is the guide for making crafting orders.

I noticed that after but could you address my other problem with the HQ mats it does not work when i use HQ even though i have the box checked

also could you share your profiles?

Messages In This Thread
GSM profiles - by jchang1210 - 11-05-2015, 02:16 PM
RE: GSM profiles - by Cichard - 11-05-2015, 02:23 PM
RE: GSM profiles - by jchang1210 - 11-05-2015, 02:51 PM
RE: GSM profiles - by Cichard - 11-05-2015, 03:15 PM
RE: GSM profiles - by jchang1210 - 11-05-2015, 03:18 PM
RE: GSM profiles - by Cichard - 11-05-2015, 04:43 PM
RE: GSM profiles - by jchang1210 - 11-05-2015, 10:24 PM

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