19/11/2015 v3.07
-Geirskogul will now be used automatically if it is impossible to refresh BotD (checks at multiple GCDs when BotD < 2.5 or 2s)
-Phlebtomize will no longer cast directly after HT and vice versa to make it easier to maintain BotD after Geirskogul is used.
-Adjusted Assister to reflect these changes
Updated to 3.07
You will rarely see the Phleb/HT change in effect. It will only happen if you miss a lot of GCDs due to having to be away from the boss/mechanics.
(11-18-2015, 10:15 PM)muchastudio Wrote: This is awesome. Thanks!
(11-19-2015, 05:39 AM)Asuno Wrote: This profile is amazing, thanks for the good work!
(11-19-2015, 06:38 PM)asiangirl Wrote: You should consider making a good NIN profile since there isn't a good one that is available and updated anymore and with the removal of mudra lag, this is a great class to play! This is one of the best rotations I've seen and I personally use:
My NIN is currently only lvl 50. I'll start botting it to 60 and give it a try. If I were to start now, I probably won't be 60 on NIN until maybe 1+ weeks.