(11-27-2015, 08:55 PM)asiangirl Wrote: Looks like it's using suiton twice instead of raiton in the opener now. Mudras are much quicker though.;
Hmm the mudra delay seems to be random, sometimes it's extremely fast and sometimes it's slow. Okay it looks like ti's fast for Huton but not in combo
Is there a possibility to substitute Raiton with Fuma, since with Raiton and the way skill manager is handling mudras for me, raiton keeps me from getting duality into the opener.
It should only cast Suiton if it detects that Trick Attack is available. If it does it twice in a row, it means it didn't get used up the first time.
I can add Fuma in, I'll probably include Filter 2 Opener into Filter 1 and change Filter 2 to Fuma/Raiton toggle
Also, you posted an opener on page 2 that started with Suiton. It's missing Mutilate. If you can update it, I can implement that opener into this profile.
(11-27-2015, 09:55 PM)Mutantx Wrote: new version works better - btw should mudras be going off between GCDs? if so is that even possible with the bot logic. (im not a ninja main at all!)
The first action of a mudra sequence will start between GCDs in this profile.