(11-29-2015, 03:21 AM)valent88 Wrote: hello mate,
yes im 60, with ilvl of 196.
using version 3.02c
realise that it uses mudras after awhile, but on initial pull, it doesnt use any
The profile has HP checks for mudras if you are in a party of any size. If you are in a party while testing on a target dummy (low HP), it might not go off a lot. Also, are you performing the opener like explained in the first post? I can't really think of any reason why mudras are not casting besides the HP check for party.
Precast Huton -> Wait 15s (5s CD remaining on mudras) -> Run into melee range of target and opener will start with B4B as the very first cast
(11-29-2015, 01:55 AM)muchastudio Wrote: Actually u're wrong. Its updated all the time (and it always was). Last update was 2 days ago for example. Checking yours new profile changes. Thank you for hard work!Ah, i didn't notice that the dropbox link was updated, I was just referring to the thread edit date.