01-01-2016, 03:45 PM
When you subscribe to the minion bot you get access to the frame work being able to level via questing, fates, pvp, crafting, gathering ,mini games and more. How you ackomplish those things is via profiles, there are some free profiles there are some paid profiles, "most" content is comunity made, the subscription gives you access to the tools to run your own profiles, free profiles, or store bought profiles.
Basic modes such as Grinding mobs and fate grinding do not require profiles, grinding is a marker based system where teh bot hunts for specific mobs you set up on a radius around a marker. Fate grind will auto detect fates that fit the requirements you set up and complete that fate.
Crafting doesnt require profiles either, though there is a nice BOT UI to make them, gathering doesnt require profiles, but profiles make it more indepth.( being able to switch zones and classes while afk.)
Basic modes such as Grinding mobs and fate grinding do not require profiles, grinding is a marker based system where teh bot hunts for specific mobs you set up on a radius around a marker. Fate grind will auto detect fates that fit the requirements you set up and complete that fate.
Crafting doesnt require profiles either, though there is a nice BOT UI to make them, gathering doesnt require profiles, but profiles make it more indepth.( being able to switch zones and classes while afk.)