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EasyNinja Profile w/ Ace's Positional Assister *UPDATED* 4-Apr-2016
(01-13-2016, 03:58 AM)tjalex Wrote:  I found a bug. On enemies with no facing (i.e. so rear + flank both always apply) the profile will use Armor Crush instead of Aeolian Edge when Huton > 40s and Dancing Edge / Storm's Eye is up

Just put in something like Huton < 50s on Armor Crush that way it will only do it when it can make use of the added time.

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RE: EasyNinja Profile w/ Ace's Positional Assister *UPDATED* 14-Dec-2015 - by HusbandoMax - 01-13-2016, 05:48 AM

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