(03-23-2016, 11:16 PM)AzRed Wrote: Using hotshot+auto-> gauss -> lead shot you lose the ability to pot before lead shot without eating into your and it maths out to be a dps loss
Albeit a small one and it wouldn't matter if you're not a try hard using pots, if this is meant to be an endgame profile, the configuration starting with gauss attachment on is better than getting an extra auto attack, especially when the auto is not in the wildfire window and using gauss barrel - pot - lead will likely cause gcd clip of about .8 seconds depending on sks/latency/etc....
GCD clipping probably would happen if you used both at once. But look at as two openers:
Usual opener on regular boss without pot usage:
HE>B4B>HC>RS>HS>LS <<<Between hs and ls is ~1 second of nothing
No gb Non-endgame(no pot):
HE>B4B>HC>RS>HS>GB>LS <<< Between hs and ls is an auto attack and GB and maybe ~.1 second of nothing
With GB Endgame:
HE>B4B>HC>RS>HS>POT>LS <<< Between hs and ls is potion and not sure of time remaining as I don't use pots lol
What you lose here is nothing. What you gain here is an extra second of mobility and an auto attack all from adding one more skill within the profile lol. Of course you would have to toggle Gauss Barrel on during opener to ensure it stayed on after. But like I said before it would be of the tiniest gains so implementing it I doubt would be worth the effort.