try just these two for now
Edit: Think i misunderstood you, i think now that you mean you have it working but it stops after it gathers from the two nodes, in that case try adding the bellow code to each node you want to bob between.
this will act as a timer for each node you add it to, if it's bob'n right away as soon as it reaches the node my guess is to just increase the timeout, also in my experiences ["maxtime"] = 7500; isn't even needed.
[1] = { -- Furymint @ 12AM-4AM (Botanist / Coerthas Western Highlands)
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["mapid"] = 397;
["radius"] = 300;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -582.01;
["y"] = 138.51;
["z"] = -388.88;
["h"] = -1.83;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Furymint";
["item2"] = "Highland Oregano";
["mingp"] = 600;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 0;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 3;
["skillprofile"] = "Aetherial_Multi";
["gathermaps"] = false;
["gathergardening"] = false;
["usecordials"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["collectables"] = {
["Furymint"] = 300;
["Highland Oregano"] = 300;
[2] = { -- Furymint @ 8PM-12AM (Botanist / The Sea of Clouds)
["minlevel"] = 59;
["maxlevel"] = 60;
["mapid"] = 401;
["radius"] = 300;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = 139.05;
["y"] = -113.57;
["z"] = 594.33;
["h"] = 1.06;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Furymint";
["item2"] = "Highland Oregano";
["mingp"] = 600;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 20;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 23;
["skillprofile"] = "Aetherial_Multi";
["resetdaily"] = true;
["gathermaps"] = false;
["gathergardening"] = false;
["usecordials"] = true;
["highpriority"] = true;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["collectables"] = {
["Furymint"] = 300;
["Highland Oregano"] = 300;
Edit: Think i misunderstood you, i think now that you mean you have it working but it stops after it gathers from the two nodes, in that case try adding the bellow code to each node you want to bob between.
["lowpriority"] = true;
["maxtime"] = 7500;
["timeout"] = 7500;
this will act as a timer for each node you add it to, if it's bob'n right away as soon as it reaches the node my guess is to just increase the timeout, also in my experiences ["maxtime"] = 7500; isn't even needed.