(07-09-2016, 02:55 PM)jony_stunner Wrote: Whats the usual drk dps for a5-8savage? i dont know understand how some tanks can maintain the so 1k+ dps. unless their talking about their openers yeah 1.5kish but average 700ish as OT for raids. Would appreciate if you could help me understand how to improve dps. Our raid comp is pld drk whm ast blm brd drg mnk. Since we have a mnk. I tried taking of delirium of the skill manage but doing that makes profile get stuck in rotation for a few. What sort of things you do mutantx?
1st issue is your group make-up. You have no slashing debuff (WAR or NIN) so that's going to lower your total DPS output quite a bit. 2nd, you should be out of Grit most of the time. As for Delirium, unless you have enough MP to use DA + SE then Delirium does more damage (higher potency). You'll also need to manipulate the rotations a bit with the filters during specific phases... Another suggestion is checking out "FF Logs" to view other DRKs' rotations and etc for specific fights to get a general idea.